Chapter 26: Time to Waste

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I was back on my feet extremely fast, so fast that even Bart was impressed with me. As soon as I had regained the ability to walk and run Kara and Megan treated me to a spa day that I desperately needed and Bruce paid our way through. We were each given the royal treatment, it included facials, pedis and manis, massage therapy, mud baths, mineral oil, full body waxing, getting our hair done, the whole enchilada.

Now I'm not a girl who is necessarily obsessed with the way I look, but I do like to feel clean, and it's habit now. I usually have to do what I can to stay looking good since I am the face of Gotham, or at least the daughter of it.  The day was over by the time we walked out of the spa looking and feeling completely refreshed. Especially me.

"Wow, I never realized how great massages could feel." Megan giggled excitedly, it had been her first time at the spa. Watching her get her first pedicure was quite a show.

"I feel like I could just fly right now." Kara breathed quietly.

"But you can fly." Megan added innocently.

Kara and I exchanged a look and then laughed heartily. "My point is", she said, "I really needed that."

They both turned to me with smiles, during the entire day they'd been filling me in with more detail about what had happened during the 8 weeks I had missed and how I had been brought back. I was completely lost, what if years had gone by? I'd probably go insane, Bruce would be retired and old, Tim would be an adult, they would all be adults. And I would have missed my primetime of life. I was truly grateful to her for coaxing me out, even though I had no memory of it, and to Bruce since the final decision had been his.

We used one of the secret zeta beam transports to get us back to the Watch Tower. I had a 'date' with Tim. It wasn't really a date AT ALL, I swear. Kara just kept calling it that because she likes to be kind of obnoxious sometimes. All we were going to do was our little routine of getting to know the ins and outs of the Watch Tower, then he was going to help my brother retrain me.

He was already waiting for me on a convenient little bench by the transports. He smiled when he saw us and the girls quickly excused themselves.

"You look well rested." He teased.

I shrugged, "Well 8 weeks of a coma can do that to you."

He chuckled half heartedly and we started our tour of the new watch tower. I thought the last one was big, but this one made it look like a play house. It was more high tech, if that was even possible, with technology that NASA probably wouldn't be seeing for another 50+ years. There were  bedrooms where we could stay, the cafeteria was bigger, the hangar was massive, and there were training and simulation rooms galore. It was like a giant superhero playground.

We didn't get to finish the tour, I don't think we even got halfway through it, but that was fine. I'd seen enough already. We went to one of the training rooms Nightwing was already there waiting for us. He indicated to our costumes at the side. Time to suit up.

Training was a lot more intense and painful than I ever remember it being. I'd lost some skills too, my kicks weren't as high as they used to be, my reflexes were slower, my punches were softer. They seriously kicked my butt! If I was in a real life situation I'd be dead. After I started to feel past exhausted I didn't stop, I hated feeling and seeing how much weaker I was. I felt so slow and I continued to get slower.

Finally Nightwing easily dodged a right hook I tried to land on him, got ahold of my wrist and flipped me over. I should've been able to recover from it, by just shifting my weight and sending a kick to his chin as I flipped up and around his arm. As simple and basic as a move that was for me, I couldn't manage it. I landed squarely on my back. My chest heaved as I panted, the cowl felt sticky and irritating on my face.

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