Chapter 1: Slumdog Billionaire

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You could say I'm one of those "Lucky" kids. Lots of people call me a slumdog billionaire, but I've noticed that every ignorant jerk who says that doesn't know what they're talking about. They're just dreaming up a life they THINK they would love. Truth is though, I don't think my life has been lucky at all--well, take that back-- I've had my good breaks, my happy findings and discoveries after years of sleepless nights, but the price I paid for them makes it unfair.

I know of an unfortunate girl named Krystal Hill. Her family was poor and living in the slums next to a glorius city. Despite that, she was happy, because in her mind if you have your family then you have everything. That's what her father taught her, and he was her whole world.

She had black wavy hair, coupled with onxy eyes and a "million dollar" smile. Her complexion was light, and her body slender but strong, which was good, the slums were a dangerous place to live.

This was made true when she was 6 years old, and a man hunted down her father, seeking vengeance for something years ealier. Krystal was out with her father when he showed up. She watched as they argued about something from the past, until the man pulled a gun on him.

Even at the young age of 6, she knew what guns meant and she'd seen them do their work before. So she screamed: "No!" And tried to shield her father. She was terrified, but she was not going to let him die. The man smirked.

"I'll make a deal with ya James, you give me your pretty little girl, and you can keep your life and the wife."

James pushed Krystal behind him, "Go to Hell!" He snarled.

The man ignored him and knelt down to talk to Krystal, "Hello there sweetie, you can call me Blew. Thats my name for the whorehouse I have and you'll make a very fine addition indeed."

James had enough, he launched himself at Blew and punched him again and again. For a precious moment, Krystal felt she was saved, and justice would come. But that moment left quickly, because Blew was only stunned for awhile before he knocked James off his feet and pointed the gun at his head.

"You Just wrote a death sentence for your pathetic little family, now I'm going to finish them all off!"

James yelled franitcally, "Run, Krystal!"

The sound of his voice told her not to fight. She turned and sped off, behind her, the pang of the gun shot echoed. Her eyes burned furiously, but she couldn't stop. She ran into an abandoned warehouse, and crawled into one of the shelves to hide. Blew never came, but she didn't move for two hours in fear that he'd be waiting for her. But, a child can only sit still for so long, eventually she crawled out and ran back to where she'd last seen her father, but he was gone. Blew had already moved him and left nothing but a very large pool of thick blood with skid marks.

She didn't understand what that meant for her father, and she ran through the slums, following a tall column of smoke snaking into the sky. It lead her to a crowd of curious spectators in a cloud of heat surrounding her house.

"Momma!" She screamed.

The only thing that answered her cry was the roar of the flames, and the splintering wood in her home. By the time police and firefighters arrived from the posh city next door, her house had already fallen to the ground and the flames had burned themselves out. They found her in the middle of the ruins holding tight to a small chest, crying her little eyes out.

She was carried to safety. Her mother's, and her baby brother's remains were discovered in the scorched tiny kitchen. Forensic studies showed that her mother died from a fatal blow to the head with a wrench, and the baby was drowned in the sink. It was arson, and murder. The police never found her father's body, Blew hid it too well and the city officials didn't want to waste time and money on an everyday crime in the ghetto. So Blew got away clean.

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