"Oh." Iglesias says. "That's unfortunate, I've spent so long journeying with you. It will be strange without you."

Delia's reddens at the compliment. "Thank you. I enjoyed traveling with you as well."

From the glare she shoots Kagon afterword he can tell that his interruption will not be forgotten by her. The hero nearly laughs.

"So, how much longer will the two of you be with us?" Iglesias inquires.

Kagon ponders this for a moment before making his decision. "I think we'll leave now. The day is still new and we can still get many of hours of travel from it."

"That sounds like the smartest plan. Pack all of your things and please take any supplies you need for your journey from us."

Kagon shakes his head. "With all your newly added members you'll need all the supplies you've got. We'll get the supplies we need from one of the abandoned villages."

Iglesias slightly winces at this plan, but Kagon hardly notices. "Alright, well, we should be on our way." Kagon says, then turning his attention to Delia. "Gather your belongings and I will mine. When you're done you can say your goodbyes, but be quick about it. We don't want to waste anymore daylight."

Delia nods and the two go their separate ways.


Once Delia finished packing she goes and finds Maya outside her tent, staring bittersweetly at the clouds freely floating across the expanse of bright blue sky.

"Good morning." Delia greets, with a sad undertone in her voice.

Maya looks up at Delia, equally as sad. "I heard that you're leaving, Delia."

The copper-blond haired girl smiles sadly.  "It's true.  I'm to go back to my journeying with Kagon."

Maya sighs at the girl who had become her best friend.  "I'll miss you."  That's when Delia sees something glistening roll down Maya's cheek.  Tears.

At her friend's tears Delia finds her own eyes watering. The two embrace each other.

"May Fate find our paths interlacing once more." Maya says as they pull back from each other.

Delia places her hand on Maya's right shoulder and Maya puts her hand on Delia's left as is the custom goodbye in both Pik and Lanthos when someone is going on a long journey.

"Maya, don't let yourself be submissive towards people like Rissa.  You're stronger than that."

Maya nods, Delia can see her tucking away her advice for a later time.  "And Delia, don't you be afraid to take charge. I see a leader in you, a hero."

The hand not on Maya's shoulder lifts to her heart where a warm feeling glows bright inside of her.  She feels touched.

"Thank you, my friend.  I'll always be there for you." Delia smiles.  "But I do have a question for you?  What will you do now?"

Maya suddenly becomes timid. "Iglesias asked me if I'd escort the children and people who don't wish to fight back to our village-camp in Pik."

Delia's eyes widen. "What about Nandef?"

Maya smiles almost coyly. "Iglesias already warned everyone by talking about him. Nandef will be overthrown very quickly."

Delia lets out a laugh, but then becomes somber as she realizes she has to go. She has others to say goodbye to yet.

Seeing this Maya juts her chin over to where Kagon stands with Iglesias talking as they wait for her. "Go. I'll see you soon. I know it."

The girls embrace one last time and then Delia goes on her way, bidding the other men she's traveled with goodbye.

Finally she gets to where Iglesias and Kagon stand. Upon seeing her Kagon rolls his eyes. "It took you long enough!"

Delia sighs at this, but ultimately ignores him.

Iglesias smiles and the two men firmly grasp each other's shoulders --Kagon Iglesias's left and Iglesias Kagon's right. "Thank you, Kagon of Pik.  I wish the Fates be with you towards wherever your adventures may take you."

"I wish the same for you. And may your travels never reach the sea." Delia sees Kagon visibly shudder at his own words, but she decides to ask later.

Kagon with his shining golden sword and bag already swung across his back, looks at Delia expectantly.

Iglesias smiles at the girl and instead of placing their hands on each other's shoulders he wraps her into a quick embrace. When he releases, Delia feels her face is as red as the setting sun.

"Farewell, Delia. It was a pleasure traveling with you, and though I wish you could stay I understand that you too need to follow your own path. Don't ever quench your spirit, it shines bright."

Delia holds back tears as she realizes she'll be leaving another good friend behind. "Farewell, Iglesias. You are a true leader and I honestly believe that you can accomplish your goal."

Iglesias smiles brightly, a smile in which Delia wholeheartedly returns.

And then Kagon and Delia are off, leaving the mountain-camp behind for the hot sand and rocks of the near-desert below.

When the camp is far away Kagon speaks, taking out a book from his pack.  Delia recognizes the book instantly.  Suddenly she feels sick.

"Here's your book, writer Delia.  I was able to save it from the flood all that time ago.  Now you can properly record my tale just as you did before."

"And Fates do I have so many things to tell you as I'm guessing you do too."  Kagon laughs heartily.  "But no worries we have enough time in the world!"

Delia takes the book and tucks it into her own pack, offering the hero a wobbly smile.

But even with enough time in the world is it still enough time... for me?

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