Chapter Five

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Chorong's POV

It's finally weekend. All week, Luhan had given excuses to not do the group project after school. Sehun was pissed of course, so we decided to just do the group project today this afternoon.

I was trying to find Sehun's house with the address that he texted me. He even took a picture of his house in case it would be easier to find the house. It seems far from my house and it could take half an hour or more to arrive. But since I do not want to trouble my mum, I just walked my way there.

It was hard since I never been in his neighbourhood before. From what I heard, most rich families lives there. And with Sehun's picture, I do not think I can get there in time but if we never try, we will never know, right?

I've been walking for what felt like hours trying to find Sehun's house. I never knew it could be this hard. I kept going round and round and would sometimes walk on the same street twice.

I kept looking up from my phone to see the streets name and down to my phone again to make sure it was correct. And again, it was wrong. I sighed in frustration. Should I just text him to pick me up or should I tell him that I am lost?

I chose the latter and was about to text him while walking. When I passed by a dark narrow street, I heard sounds of what seems like to be punching and beating and also groaning in pain.

As a curious little girl, I crept down the street and peeked at the right dead end corner. My eyes bulged as wide as it can when I saw a guy was on the floor bleeding his life out. I felt my body shaking in terror. I did not know what to do? Should I call the ambulance or should I call for help?

Either what, I took out my phone and started dialling Sehun's number. I kept on dialling the wrong number as I did not stop shaking. The only thing that was in my mind was to save that person's life.

As soon as I dialed the right number, a rat ran across my feet and caused me to yelped and dropped my phone. I immediately closed my mouth with my right hand and secure it with my left hand.

I felt sweats forming on my forehead. My knees were shaking, my eyes were watering but I did not even move an inch from where I was. I was too scared to move because what if the thugs heard me? What if they know it is me? My thoughts were wild and my heart was beating too loud for me to hear.

I felt a cold hand on my shoulder and I froze. From the shaking little girl to a now frozen little girl, too scared to look at the hand's owner. Fear took over me and a tear slipped down my eyes. Am I going to be dead? Is this how I am going to die? I do not want to die young!

My thoughts were snapped to reality when the hand jerked me backwards and I fell on the floor. I looked up and I saw a dark figure. I can't quite see his face due to the lack of light but all I can see was his broad shoulder and buff arms.

His face showed no pity and seems to be ready to pounce at me. To make sure I did not report this to the police or whatsoever. My lips were quivering and I can feel my soul being sucked out from my body. I can tell I was white as a ghost.

The thug came towards me in slow motion and I didn't know what to do. I backed away slowly with tears staining my cheeks. Then I stopped as a flickering light came from my right, the call got through!

Sehun was on the line!

I made no hesitation as I shouted, "Sehun! Help me!"

The thug was probably shocked as he suddenly walked faster and lifted me up on his shoulder and tried to bring me away. I squirmed around and still shouting for Sehun.

I did not care if he already hung up or still listening but I will keep shouting till I am getting help from someone.

As I saw myself getting further and further from my phone, I broke down. I punched the thug's back as hard as I could even though I know it would be no use for a girl like me. I never stop punching even when I slowed down.

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