"Ava somebody's at the door!" Stacey screamed from the living room causing a frustrated huff to push past my lips. I was tired and honestly I just wanted to be alone long enough for me to actually feel something. My emotions hung over me like a thick stormy cloud, a cloud that had long released it's downpour on my weakened body. I cried not even knowing the reason behind the constant flow of salty droplets that coursed down my hot cheeks. My emotions were  a messy cocktail, my own mind unable to  fully understand what was going on and I hated it. My deafening thoughts  raged through my head every second of the day carried along with it a silent threat and I was at my wits end.

"Hello." I greeted allowing a plastic smile to plaster itself onto my face directed towards the smiling stranger that stood at my front door. "Good day Ava-Marie." He greeted returning my smile which had faltered a bit. "I'm Mark and this is my beautiful wife Rachel. I'm Bentley's cousin." He informed me my mind trailing off at the mention of the name Rachel. The fake smile that still managed to hang onto my lips instantly faded when my eyes landed on a pair of familiar honey brown eyes and a set of pearly whites smiling warmly up at me.

My heart hammered against my chest causing a monotonous thumping sound to echo in my ear. The blood drained from my face a sheen of cold sweat forming on my forehead as my now trembling lips left slightly ajar awaited a coherent sentence to leave them. Yet in that precise moment only one word flew passed my lips in a high pitched squeak followed by a wave of nausea.



Bentley's P.O.V

"Baby daddy's at work right now but...hey don't cry." I cooed a heavy feeling settling in my chest when I heard Skyler's soft sobs resume. "I want you daddy!" She whined causing a frustrated groan to push past my lips. "Princess I'll be home in an hour and I'll take you and you're sister for ice cream." I mumbled a deep frown settling on my lips when I looked down at  the state of my clothes. "You're such a good father too bad you chose to have kids with the wrong woman." She slurred lethargically raising her head to look at me through swollen eyes.

"Beth you're only prolonging you're death and I have places to be as you may now know so I'm only going to ask you one more time. Why'd you lie about us having an affair?" I asked bending so I was at eye level with her bounded form. "I didn't lie about anything Bentley. We slept in the same bed therefore we slept together. You were the one who interpreted that we had sex once which doesn't count as an affair logically but I will say this. You're way more loyal to that dumb wife of yours  than Brent initially thought. He hired countless women to throw themselves at you for years and you refused to touch any of them." She paused leaning further into the metal chair she was tied to my jaw tightening at the mention of his name.

" You proved to be loyal surprisingly but the most interesting part of it all was when I figured out who your wife was. It was clear that she was the weak link in your marriage. It wasn't you as everybody initially thought but it was her! It has always been her. Gullible and insecure little miss Ava believed anything she was fed weather it be by subtle persuasion or blatant lies only a fool would believe and that she is Bentley; foolish. She's always thought that you'd cheat sooner or later seeing that she already had the thought in her head breaking apart the marriage you worked so hard to keep together was easier than any of us thought. I'm in no position to say this but you deserve much better than a delusional fool Bentley and that's exactly what we want for you." She concluded cracking a small smile revealing her bloody teeth.

The fact that her words had a certain amount of truth to it only helped to worsen my already raging anger. For some reason I couldn't find it in myself to focus my anger towards the woman who's blood covered my white shirt and dark blue jeans but strangely I found myself getting angry at the woman I vowed to love and to cherish for the rest of my life. The woman I'd given my all to only for her to destroy a sacred vow we'd made before God with a flimsy sheet of paper and a signature.

For the first time in months I didn't feel worthless or like a complete disappointment to my children and wife.  Although admittedly it was a bit twisted to find a sense of comfort in the words of the person who I looked on as my men torture for the past six hours before she finally spoke and not to forget the woman who helped destroy my marriage officially but I did. "Where's my father?" I asked stuffing my dirty hands into the pockets of my jeans no longer wanting to hear anything else from her. "I don't know honestly but what I do know is that you're exactly where you're supposed to be in life right now. You're free and that's all he has ever wanted for you." She mused her hazel green eyes glossing over while a huge smile took over her chapped lips revealing a few missing teeth and a bloody mouth.

"Finish the job." I spat before leaving the cold rectangular concrete box fishing my keys out of my pocket. A sadistic smile creeped onto my lips when I heard the muffled sound of a gun shot ring out from behind the closed metal door. Grabbing my sleek silver phone out of my pocket I dialed a number pressing the phone to my ear as it rang automatically going to voicemail which didn't come as a surprise. With a exasperated sigh I allowed the words to leave my lips. I was sick and tired of fighting for something she clearly didn't want nor seemed to value and she made it quite clear that she didn't love me which made the words a lot easier for me to say sincerely.

"Ava-Marie it's Bentley I was actually calling to tell you that I'll have the divorce papers drawn up by later today with my signature on it. I guess I was just being dumb about us trying. There's no point staying in this marriage if you don't love me anymore and as much as it hurts me to say that I respect your feelings." I paused my voice thick with emotion as my free hand stressfully tugged at my messy hair nevertheless I continued. I needed to get this over with I'd already delayed it for so long.

"I respect that...so uhh I guess that's it and for the record I'm only doing this because all I've ever wanted was for you to be happy. I've always hated seeing you unhappy and if a divorce is what's going to make you happy then I'll sign the papers. So for the last time I'll say this at least for you to hear...I love you Ava-Marie Johnson with all of my heart I always have and I always will." I concluded desperately trying to ignore the crippling pain that coursed through my body symbolizing the official breaking of my heart.

Hey people I know I know I'm horrible for keeping you guys waiting but please find it in your hearts to forgive me. I've been writing this chapter in peaces for the past five to six days 😣 but it's finished and I really hope you liked it. The follow up to this chapter will be up soon and I promise that the drama will go on 😏.

Vote&comment please I wanna hear what you guys think😁🤗!

Dedicated to you all because you were so sweet and understanding on the wait for the chapter so thank you😌

Thank you once again for the support
🎀bye for now

Happily Never After(Sequel to Stereotypical Love)(BWWM/Interracial)Where stories live. Discover now