11. they can wait

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He kissed me. Tim fricken Wolf kissed me. My best friend for years, kissing me in the middle of the field.

Our lips moved together and I wrapped my arms around his neck, playing with the hair on the back of his head. He held tightly to my waist, making me smile internally.

He parted the kiss. "Oh. I-I'm sorry." He muttered nervously. I shushed him and kissed him again, more passionate and heatedly this time. He accepted it and hoisted me into the air. My legs automatically wrapped around his hips as we kissed. In the distance someone wolf whistled and yelled:

"Get it, Tim!" He chuckled against my lips.

"You should probably hang out with your team." I whisper when I break the kiss.

"Nah." Tim says, setting me down and taking a hold of my hand. "They can wait."


"Truth or dare?" I ask Tim. He debates for a minute before answering.

"Okay, have you kissed other girls?" I ask, knowing the answer.

"Yeah," Tim sighs, "but none were as good a kisser as you." He smirks. I laugh throwing my head back, falling backwards in my sitting position onto the bed.

"Thanks." I smile, blushing.

"You're cute when you blush." Tim whispered, making me blush an even deeper shade of crimson.

"You did that on purpose, idiot." I stick out my tongue.

"Maybe I did, but you look so beautiful." He laughs and rolls on top of me, kissing me against the bed sheets. I sigh as he kisses my neck, leaving a trail of kisses back up to my lips where he reconnects once more.

"I was in another situation like this, you know?" I offered. Tim stopped, he rolled off me and inquired with whom.
"Josh, but he wanted me to strip so I said no and then..." I stopped, tears coming to my eyes. Tim pulled me over to him and wrapped me in his warm embrace as I cried. "Why does that always happen to me?"

"Always? I thought that was the first time." Tim said. I shook my head, tears still flowing down my face.

"The summer of sophomore year, I went to a camp. This camp was called Lake Rafters and it was held up somewhere in the mountains. This guy, his name was Troy, caught my attention the first day. Apparently at this camp, girls and boys roomed together, so my roommate was Troy. He said he liked me, that I was the prettiest girl he had ever seen," I sobbed into Tim's arms as I explained my story. "I believed him. We hung out a lot during the afternoons at the cabin and alternate days at lunch, because his 'tribe' was the beavers and mine was the hummingbirds and the two tribes were 'enemies'," I said tears silently falling onto my pillow and Tim's shirt. "One day, I broke away from the other hummingbirds to go see him at his tribe, he wasn't there. His leader said that he went to the pool area. So I followed the directions the beaver leader gave me and made my way to the pool. Only to find him twirling the hair of some blonde girl in the woodchuck tribe. He kissed her and called her the most beautiful girl. I ran to my room and quickly packed my stuff, knowing I no longer had a place in his heart or at the camp, like he did. I went home that night." I finished sobbing into Tim's arms as he held me. "He wasn't even mine, and losing him broke my heart. I'm too trusting. I still have the camp flyer, too. A part of me wants to burn it, watch it burn and die like the part of me that really loved him. But the other part of me knows that I'll never be able to watch it burn. It holds too much of me in it. I lost everything that day, and it took me 2 years to finally get it back, just to be crushed again by the same trick. I guess you really can't teach an old dog new tricks."


"I don't want sympathy, Tim." I snapped, then softened. "I'm sorry, I just...all I want is for you to be there. That's all." Two tears slip down my cheek and land on his shirt. He wipes the tears that remain away and kiss my forehead gently.

He didn't say anything. He didn't have to. I knew he would be there. He wasn't like the others. He wanted me for me. Not for my body or my looks. He didn't even care about that stuff. And I absolutely loved him for it.


i know a lot of things happened... try to bear with me:

1. kiss
2. truth or dare-ish
3. the story of taylor's broken heart

there ya go. that basically sums up the chapter.



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