10. thats the game

43 4 0

Its the fourth quarter, with 6 minutes left of the game. The score is tied 21-21 and both crowds are roaring louder than ever. The cheerleaders chanted them on, doing stunts and baskets. The ref's whistle blew and the play started. There was a faint "hike" from the opposing team and they were off. The football flew over our players' heads and into the arms of a man in a blue jersey. He ran down the field, towards the end zone. Our crowd was yelling for someone to stop him, while their crowd was yelling for the guy to keep running.

One of our guys, Brandon, I think, came running to catch him, diving to try and tackle him, but the running guy held out his hand and brandon landed on his foot, hard. Their guy made it to the end zone and and the refs blew their whistles and held their hands in the air, indicating the touchdown. The scoreboard changed to say 21 - 27 and their side exploded with cheers of joy. However our side was focused on Brandon and whether or not one of our star players could continue playing, He's one out of two running backs we have.

Brandon waved off the help of the coach, attempting to stand, but his foot twisted around and gave way, causing Brandon to fall back down. I heard a snicker from the blue team and just like that half the team was on him.

"What was that for?"

"What's so funny?"

"How about I injure you, see who's laughing then?"

The guy, smartly may I add, backed down. Throwing his hands up in surrender, and walking away.

"Coach!" I whispered. Coach Brown, the football coach, turned around. "How's Brandon?" I asked, hope evident in my voice.

Coach Brown shook his head. "Brandon's out for the game, he twisted his ankle." I hung my head. "We're down to one running back...Tim."

The loud ref's whistle blew and everyone looked at him. "No penalty," Our side went crazy, yelling insults and some not nice words at him. "Kick for blue!"

The blue teams kicker set up for a kick. He wound up and kicked the ball as hard as he could. It looked like it was going in, but went right outside the field goal. The groans and sighs from our opponents side were drowned out almost entirely by our crowd's cheers and screams.

Our guys were given possession of the ball and they quickly got into each of theirs positions. I glanced at the scoreboard, 1 minute and 37 seconds remaining.

We had better get a touch down, or this game'll end really quick. I thought

"Hike!" yelled our quarter back. At his command the ball came flying to him and the clock started counting down. Our QB looked around quickly, deciding which way to throw.

1:01, 1:00, :59...

The QB threw it far to the right, the ball sailed above all the heads, landing in the hands of our only remaining running back...Tim.

:32, :31, :30...

Three opponents ran towards Tim, each throwing themselves at him to stop him. He quickly spun and dodged all of them miraculously. It was just Tim sprinting down the field. A player came out of nowhere, at the 5
yard line, and threw himself in front of Tim.

Oh, Gosh. This is it, we're done!

:18, :17, :16...

Tim jumped and hurdled the tackler, landing with two feet in the end zone.
The clock stopped at 13 seconds and our crowd yelled deafeningly. I let out a scream of joy and jumped on my box, then, realizing what I'd done, became completely still. I hope Coach didn't see that.

Now it's down to the kick! Our players lined up. The scoreboard read 27-27. If we get this point, we win the championships. Our kicker wound up, started to run and kicked.

The ref's whistle blew and both sides screamed and yelled. I glanced at the score while yelling, 28-27.

"We won!" I screamed running onto the field with the other cheerleaders. All of the football players were jumping, yelling, and slapping the kickers back. One football player, however, was not jumping or slapping our kickers back. No. He was running. Towards me. And He was Tim.

I ran towards Tim as fast as I could. As we reached each other he grabbed my waist and hoisted me into the air, spinning me around. We both grinned and laughed, my hands gripping his shoulders. After a while he set me down. We stared at each other, still beaming with pure joy.

Then his lips pressed onto mine.

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