8. he's a drug

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The moment I recognized him the world seemed to stop. Like it was slow motion. The world's lights were throbbing and blurry. I ran away. Out of the house, I sprinted away, tears streaming down my face. The tears whipped away in the wind. I collapsed on the lawn. My legs were weak, I curled up in the littered yard. I laid next to beer cans and cigarette buts. The world was gone. I needed Josh to kiss the sad out of me. To make me feel like nothing else could. It was like my heart was bleeding, and it hurt but I couldn't stop it. Josh was my escape, and as soon as I wouldn't let him take my clothes off, he found an escape. This is a whole new different kind of pain. Not heartbreak. Not physical pain. I let myself believe that a playboy could love me. I let myself believe that he did love. Tim was right. Tim. Oh, God! I was so stupid. I probably lost my best friend over a stupid playboy. Over a kiss. Josh got me drunk on his love, addicted to his touch. He is a drug. And one mustn't play around with drugs.

I picked myself up. Running home, sprinting as fast as I could to wherever I was going. I ran, the wind in my hair, my arms pumping, my legs aching. I breathed heavily, running and running. I stopped in front of a house. A familiar house. My house. My home. I was safe. I tiptoed in, not making any noise. I got to my room and changed into pajamas. I collapsed onto the bed, instantly falling asleep.


"No one can love you!" Josh laughed, going in and out of focus. "you lost your best friend to me, and I just used you!" He mocked me and I tried to run but I couldn't I looked down and I wasn't wearing pants. Josh stepped forward. I punched him in the mouth. My fist went right through him, without leaving a mark. I gasped, trying to turn but failing. I looked back to Josh.
Josh smiled wickedly and shapeshifted into a black panther ready to pounce. It winded up, and jumped. Almost reaching me. I'm going to die, goodbye.


Beep beep beep beep

My alarm was going off. It was a dream! Thank God it was a dream!

"Oh my gosh!" I said aloud to myself. "Todays the day of the league championship game!"

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