2. oh great

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Taylor's POV

"Hey there, hotty." Josh smirked at me. I rolled my eyes and took out my Spanish notebook, flipping it open to the first blank page. "Aren't you going to respond?"

"Why would I?" I snap. Josh is the school playboy, he basically had a new girl with him every other day. And, apparently, I was his new target. Maybe because I was hard to get, a challenge. Maybe because I never had a guy around me, besides Tim of course. Maybe he genuinely thought I was a "hotty". Who knows?

"Because we'd make a really hot couple.  But if Timmy minds too much..."

Did I forget to mention that Josh and Tim were kind of...mortal enemies.

"No, I genuinely don't want to talk to you. Why? Well, you're the school playboy, you have a huge ego, and you don't value any good qualities." I glare at Josh. Josh smirks in return then turns to look forward. I sigh in triumph, focusing on the task at hand. The final bell rings and I can't help but think, this is the last semester of my senior year. I looked over at Tim, who was already looking at me, and I knew he was thinking the same thing.

"Why are you staring at Timmy?" Josh whispers, mocking Tim's nickname. I snap my head to look at him, glaring with a passion. "Hey calm down, use that fire in the b-"

"Shut up, you freak. That is not happening." I growl, he chuckles. I hate how he laughs when I'm trying to be mad at him!

"We'll see about that, babe." He laughs. I wince at his stupid nickname.

"Don't call me that." I say, trying to hide the pure fury behind my voice.

"Why don't you-" Josh starts.

"Okay, class!" Señor Gonzales announces. "We have to assign partners due to the new school policy. You will have this partner the entire year, unless jurassic measures are taken. Understood?" The class mumbles 'yes's and 'whatever's. "Ok, Brittany Hollister?"

"Yes?" Brittany asks in her sickly fake sweet voice.

"You'll be with...Tim Wolf." Tim groaned, and rested his head on his desk. I laugh at him, nearly crying of laughter. Tim lifted his head, turning to glare at me.

"Oh, yes, Taylor Wilson?" I nod, still laughing.

"You're with Josh." My laughter stops immediately, the sound of my laughter replaced with Tim's as he mocks me. It was my turn to groan.

"Looks like we're gonna be together all year." Josh smiles. I look up at him, and scoff and reply sarcastically:

"Oh, great!"


Hope you guys like this chapter. I added this guy for some tension, which is always needed in a good book. hope you guys like this❤️


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