Chapter 14: Apologies

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A gut wrenching pain woke me from my sleep. At some point during my nap I had rolled onto my injured shoulder. I tried to ease the pain that lanced through it. I tested it gingerly as I got up and felt a twinge. Nope I won't be using that arm for fighting any time soon, I thought. I folded the warm blanket with my good arm, the faint scent of Toshiro still lingered on it.

I stood at his door and knocked softly but there was no answer. He must be out, I thought. Chancing a glance into his room, I confirmed my theory. I left the blanket folded at the foot of his bed. A book on his dresser caught my eye and I held my sides in an attempt to contain my laughter. The good captain must have filched a copy of 'Shinigami Love' from my room when I wasn't looking. I was going to give him so much crap about it the next chance I got.

It seemed that I was the only one around as the house was pleasantly quiet. I took the advantage of being its sole occupant by having a long and much needed shower. I let the water wash over me, feeling the heat pull the aches from my body. I grabbed a clean plush towel and enveloped myself in its warmth, heavily debating crawling back into bed. Deciding that that course would be a colossal waste of a day, I busied myself with putting on clothes and fixing my hair.

I heard the front door bang shut. When I looked over to see who had entered, I saw a very dejected shinigami.

"What's the matter Kensei? You look like someone ate all of your birthday cake." I remarked as I re-bandaged my shoulder.

He grabbed the gauze out of my hand. "I was just out with Rangiku. I thought I could show her a few fighting techniques against hollows but she killed them before I could even draw my sword. I mean she's just...,"he stared at the ceiling dreamily.

"An independent woman who's the same rank as you and therefore perfectly capable of defending herself?" I muttered. " Would you like me to get Murray so you two can fight over her?" I winced as he tied the bandage a little too tight, ignoring my jest.

"What did you do to get this little scratch, huh? Did you fight with a squirrel over an acorn?" He retorted.

I punched him in the arm. "Is that the sound of insubordination I hear? I'm almost certain I saw a broom in the closet over there. I could remedy that." I tried to maintain my serious composure but failed miserably. We both dissolved into giggles.

He held a hand to his nose in mock humour. "Anything but that, captain!" He chuckled.

I grabbed my coat and scarf from the back of the chair in the living room. "I'm starving. Let's grab something to eat and you can brief me on your day," I suggested.

He gestured for me to leave first. "Sure, why not. I know a nice little place down the street."


The building was quaint and cozy. Cliche little signs that said things like 'this is how we brew it' and 'not just your average joe', hung along the walls. Little shelves were haphazardly placed, filled to their limits with books. The tables were eclectic and worn, adding a rustic feel to the atmosphere.

"I'll have a turkey sandwich with mustard," I said to the barista behind the counter. I fished out some money from my pocket to pay. "Kensei, do you want anything?" I turned to look at him. He said nothing. He was attempting to hide something funny, judging by the way he bit his lip. I gave him a cross look. "Suit yourself then," I muttered, "how much is it ma'am?"

She looked at me like I had three heads. I glanced over at Kensei, who was continuing to stifle his giggles. "It's five... dollars... miss," she said very slowly.

The exchange felt rather odd, I handed my change to her and mimicked her. "Thank... you..." I gave her a dumb look. With Kensei in tow, I grabbed my food and found us a booth by the window.

Bleach: The Captain, Toshiro Hitsugaya x OCWhere stories live. Discover now