Chapter 12: The 4 AM Shift

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Several raps on the front door woke me out of my sleep. I glanced over at the window. Still dark, I thought. Whoever it was, was a brave soul to wake me up on a school night. I rubbed my eyes and sat up.

It had been eight years since my brother left to join the ranks of the thirteen court guard squad. I was in my fifth year of the soul reaper academy and it had been a tough year. I found myself constantly drained. There was so much studying, meditating and physical training involved. Any opportunity that afforded me sleep, I took.

Rising out of my bed, I tried to step carefully around my textbooks which had been scattered all over the floor from the previous nights study session. I made my way to the front door and attempted to look through the peep hole. It was too dark out to see. Grumbling, I swung open the door to give my visitor an earful. I stopped when I noticed his peculiar outfit.

"Who are you?" I asked. The stranger had a pink kimono drapped over his shoulders and two zanpakutos tucked into his sash. I thought I could make out a white haori underneath, but it was too dark to be entirely sure. "Hold on are you a captain?"

He nodded. 

I opened the door wider to invite him in. He tipped his hat and stepped inside. I felt confused at the situation; what was a captain, who wasn't my brother, doing standing in my home?

"Is this about my brother? His name is Yuki, he's a captain as well. Newly promoted a few months ago actually, do you know him?" I prattled on as I closed the door gently behind us.

He avoided my question. "Sorry for the intrusion miss--", he said, slowly searching for the right words, "--but I have come with terrible news." 

He sat down on a seat cushion, gesturing for me to join him. I busied myself with lighting the oil lantern on the shelf across the room from the stranger. Nervously, I straightened out my robes and adjusted the sash around my waist. He waited patiently for me to finish. With nothing left for me to fuss over, I sat on a cushion, facing him.

"Your name sir?" I said politely.

"Shunsui Kyoraku." he gave it freely. From the sleeves of his robe he pulled out a small object, wrapped in cloth. He placed it in front of me. I unwrapped it gingerly and held it in my palm. It was a string of tiny coloured beads, spattered with blood. My throat tied in a knot. "Akira," he cleared his throat, "it pains me to tell you this, but your brother is dead."

My heart jumped into my throat, I felt the bile threatening to escape. I shook my head vehemently, bunching my robes with my fists."T-that's impossible. I saw h-him just this morning!" I willed my shoulders to stop shaking. "You're lying to me!" I shouted.

He set his hands on my shoulders to steady me. "I didn't come out here this late at night pull a prank on you, please believe me."

I was inconsolable. "I don't believe you, I-I can't believe you! Where is he? I need to see him now!" I cried.

He hesitated before telling me. "I found him here in the 34th rukon district, he was just on the outskirts. Akira it's not something you should see, he wouldn't want that." He rubbed one of my hands between both of his, trying to calm me.

I jerked my hand away. "Like hell you'd know what he wants." I shot up out of my seat and made for the door. I flung it open and ran as fast as my legs would take me, my tears blinding my eyes.


My eyes flew open, waking me from my dream. I rubbed the wetness away with my t-shirt. It had been two weeks since we had arrived in the world of the living. We hadn't found any evidence of the espada we were hunting but none the less we continued our mission. 

Bleach: The Captain, Toshiro Hitsugaya x OCWhere stories live. Discover now