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There. Right there. He raped me. He did it. He left me on the ground in shock running away. I had been raped. I was sobbing. I thought....I just thought I could find a guy to replace Johnnie. I sobbed into my hands. It was cold. I was alone. I was raped. It was all too much. I shakily reach for my clothes and put them on quickly then grabbed my phone.

I scrolled through my contacts. I hate to do it. I had to. I selected the contact and dial the number it rang. C'mon pick up. Pick up.

Voicemail. I hang up not bothering to leave a message and continue to sob in the alley way having no words and feeling too sick and weak to stand.

~Johnnie's POV~

Someone had called. I hadn't picked up. I physically couldn't. My vision started to blur. In and out it faded. I took too many pills. I now fear death. I can't let the depression take over. I threw the rest of the pills across the room and limp onto my bed staring at the ceiling as it blurred out as I drifted away to sleep.

A few hours later I awoke. I stood up and immediately headed into the bathroom and threw up. I shouldn't have done that. It was so stupid.

I reach for my phone on the counter 10 missed calls.

All from Alex. Oh god. I hope she is okay.

I call her back. She picked up. She had called around when I passed out. It was now 10 pm and dark. It was also storming. I heard her pickup and I heard the rain and thunder I n the background of the call. A muffled voice came from the line. She spoke up.

"U-uh....J-Johnnie...B...B...Bryan w-wouldn't pick up s-so I y-you....and I have uh....been here for f-four hours. I n-need a r-ride.....p..please. I'm begging you," Her voice shook and she hiccupped and stuttered between words. Something had happened. Something serious.

"Yeah...I'll be on my way. I'm so fucking sorry that I didn't pick up sooner...I uh...Something came up," I say avoiding telling her what massacre what had happened in my bathroom. I say my goodbyes after getting her location and I head out to grab my keys from the kitchen counter. Bryan was out doing stuff for recordings for his new EP and other stuff.

I took the keys and unlocked the door and locked the door. I left the porch light on and hurried down the stairs in the pouring rain. It was raining so hard. A quick streak of light filled the sky for a split second. The noise soon followed.

I breathed heavily crying as I put the key into the ignition. Crying  because I was worried. Worried about Alex. Worried about her safety. I still loved her so fucking much. 

I backed out of the driveway and headed towards her location.

I arrived to see her shivering in the alleyway and she was crying, I could tell. I ran towards her and picked her up carrying her to the car. She was soaked. I placed her gently in the passanger seat and took my seat the started to drive back off to my place. The hospital could care less if they haven't noticed yet.

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