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~Alex's POV~

So it was now time to leave for the concert. Gotta make it last. We drive over to the concert area. We arrive and await the band. All Time Low was opening for them. They come on stage and they start singing. No clue where Johnnie was, probably lost in the crowd.

~Johnnie's POV~

A girl tugs on my arm and I spin to face this figure. Jetty. Why was she here? She had a shirt obviously cut to be a crop top that showed too much cleavage. She was wearing shorts that were really tight and short. God damn. I could never deny that she was always so fucking  hot but we were through. Done. Over.

"Johnnie! What a coincidence! I actually need to speak to you outside in private. Just really quick it won't be long," she says. Before I could reply she's dragging me through the crowd towards the exit.

We arrive outside. "So what d-" I get cut off by her lips smacking into mine. They lock and she deepens the kiss. I try to pull away, but the idiot inside of me forgot about Alex and helped deepen the kiss. I pin her against a wall kissing her neck. It was so hard to reject her.

"Oh how I've missed you," She smirks.  She was so manipulative, she had anybody under some curse and you couldn't help but do whatever she asked. She grabs my hand dragging us into a nearby building, abandoned. She turns on the light revealing a mattress on the concreate floor. She locked the entrance door.

"Uh...I-I have a g-girlfriend," I say finally snapping out of whatever trance she had me locked in.

"Aww but she doesn't have to know," She says. Before I could reply. She pulls me onto the bed. We start making out. I try to pull away but she had me pinned tight under her grip. She started slipping off my clothes. Soon enough we were both naked.

"God you always did have the best sex Johnnie," She says. It was all through and done. We make out one last time both still naked in bed. This was so bad. So wrong. I'm so fucked up.

"NO," I shout quickly grabbing my clothes. The door busts open. Shit. She didn't lock it.

~Alex's POV~

I walk out to try and find Johnnie. Some said they had seen him leave with a girl.  There was a guy standing up against the wall. He said he saw them walk into this nearby building. What the hell was he doing?

I open the door. I catch a glimpse of a naked girl and Johnnie shirtless frantically putting on his pants. I slam it shut and ran down the street crying.  I got into my car and locked it. I was not yet able to drive. I only had my learners permit. I would have to wait on Bryan to drive me back . I sat in the backseat. I pulled my knees to my chest and wept. He had sex with some girl. He had cheated once again but this time it was no accident. I can't fucking deal with this. I was already depressed and the only person that helped me ditched me for some fucking ho. A bitch. A whore. He ditched me. He never loved me I had come to realize. My eyes and face were red from crying and the tears still poured.

I sobbed. I wanted to go home so bad. 

~Johnnie's POV~

She came in. She saw. She slammed the door and probably ran. What the fuck had I done?

"Meh..if that's your girlfriend she's not that hot. You can have the complete package right here,'" Jetty says with a suggestive wink.

"Y-You...BITCH! You fucking...." I begin.

"Look you could've stopped me...did you? No. So you liked it," She says. I throw on my shirt running out of the door.; The concert was now over and everyone was probably piling into their cars. I drove by myself. Alex was with Bryan and Kyle. I had fucked up. I fucked up really bad. What have I done?

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