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Lauren ran into the waiting room of the pediatric ward of the hospital, finding Ally and Sinu, who didn't look worried what so ever. She tried to regain her breath as she took a seat by Ally.

"What happened?" She asked both of them breathlessly. "Is Harper okay?" Her bushy eyebrows were furrowed, her eyes were wide with worry and her bottom lip was caught in between her teeth.

"Don't worry Mija, she's going to be fine." Sinu was quick to reassure the teenager, reaching over her daughter to take Lauren's hand. "The doctor is inside with them now."

Lauren let out a long breath and slowly nodded, wishing she could be in the room with her daughter and girlfriend.


Camila hovered over the examination table her daughter was on while the doctor examined her small body. She was so jittery and fidgety from all the nerves that had settled in her stomach. Her heart clenched when Harper cried as the doctor gently pressed on her stomach. She was quick to comfort her by stroking her hair and letting her squeeze her hand.

Thankfully, before she had gone to put Harper to sleep, she showered and changed while Ally bathed the toddler. So currently, Camila was dressed in a pair of sweatpants that were tucked into the Uggs she shoved on in her rush to get her daughter to the hospital and Lauren's varsity sweatshirt with JAUREGUI and her number, 27, that she had taken possession over.

"Alright," Dr. Smythe began speaking to the mother of the child when she finished examining Harper. "Would you mind if we spoke in my office for a moment, Camila? Harper can stay here with your mother, or sister while we speak."

Camila felt her heart start to thump wildly in her ribcage and she nodded slowly. "Sure, Dr. Long.. Is.. Is everything okay?" She asked warily, dressing her daughter once again in the sweater she was wearing previous to her examination.

Dr. Smythe sighed, placing her hands into her pockets and looking at Camila sympathetically. "Depending on her symptoms that she may or may not have, she may have early childhood leukemia."

Camila's heart dropped into her stomach. Leukemia. It couldn't be. This could not be happening. How could such a sweet and beautiful angel like her little girl have leukemia? Camila's worst fears were coming true.

She looked down at the small toddler with tearful brown eyes, meeting beautiful emeralds staring up at her with evident pain and fear.

As any mother, Camila was terrified for the safety of her child.

And as any child, Harper was terrified of her unknown future.



Hours later, after a fight with the nurses about admitting Harper into the hospital, Camila sat by her daughters bed as she slept peacefully. She held her hand tightly in hers, shaking slightly. They were scheduled to meet with a specialist in the morning and start the chemotherapy process, depending on Harper's diagnosis.

Across from her sat Lauren, watching the toddler sleep with a pale face. She had no idea how to handle this. She was just allowed into her daughters life, and now she might be taken away from her?

Sinu quietly walked in after sending a distraught Ally home to get some rest, glancing at the teenage parents. Because Camila was under eighteen, she had to admit Harper into the hospital herself which had upset Camila - normally it wouldn't have but because of how high her stress level was and how insensitive those nurses were, it caused her to get very angry and let out tears of frustration.

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