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Why does everything have to be so difficult? Camila thought to herself as she watched the burning turkey in the oven while her mother tried in vain to put the fire out and everyone around her kept screaming at each other.

"Mommmmyyyyy!" She heard a loud cry and her mommy instincts kicked in and she quickly turned and rushed over to her baby girl, who was curled up in the corner of the living room crying. She picked her up and hugged her tightly.

"I'm here baby. I'm here. Don't cry." Camila tried her best to soothe the crying toddler in her arms while everyone kept yelling. And to think she thought everything would turn out perfect.

xEarlier in the night..x

Harper sat on Camila's bed and watched as she got ready for dinner. "You look very pretty mommy." She quipped with a smile.

Camila glanced at her and smiled. "Thank you baby. You look very pretty yourself."

"Thank you.." They stayed silent for a moment as she applied her mascara. "You know my friend Annie is gonna have a baby brother?" she suddenly spoke up excitedly.

"Really? That's great." Camila responded as she smiled at her and reached for her water, taking a healthy sip.

"Can I get one?"

As soon as her words left her cute little mouth, the water her mother had in hers spewed out. That should have been her first clue that tonight would be a disaster. She coughed heavily and grabbed some tissues, wiping her mouth. "You want a baby brother?"

"No." Harper frowned, unfazed by her reaction and Camila sighed in relief before she grinned excitedly. "A baby sister! Can I? Please?"

Camila let out a long tired sigh and stood up, walking over and sitting next to her on the bed. "Honey, I can't exactly give you a baby sister right now. It takes two people to have a baby." There. Simple and to the point.

"But, I have a Momma and a Mommy. That's two people.."

Damn. She should have seen that one coming.

"Uh, yes, you do, but we need to be married first." Perfect excuse.

"Then how did you have me?"

Should've seen that one too. Camila really underestimated her daughter. She stayed silently for a minute and smiled as a new idea popped into her head. "We used to be married honey." She lied as she stroked her back.

Harper frowned and let out a loud sigh. "Oh," she paused and looked up at her. "Can you get married again?"

Camila smiled at the thought and nodded. "Maybe one day." She leaned down and kissed his cheek. They stayed in a comfortable silence as she lovingly held her in her arms.


"Yeah baby girl?"

"Where do babies come from?"

Camila stiffened in her spot, still holding the toddler. She hesitated then quickly smiled, changing the subject. "Wanna go down and see if Grandma is here?"

Forgetting completely about her questions, Harper grinned excitedly. "Yeah!" She jumped off the bed and ran out of the room and down the stairs, leaving her mother sighing in relief.

Dodged that bullet.

Camila reminded herself to make Lauren have that talk with her a few years down the line.

She did not want to have to deal with that.


"Oh you're such a big girl now," Mercedes gushed later when everyone was joined in the living room before dinner. The turkey was baking and everything else was ready and staying heated in the oven. She held her great-granddaughter in her arms as she pinched his cheeks.

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