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Hi guys! I'm sorry for not updating sooner. I had oral surgery last week and I've been recovering. But here's an update, even though it's very short. I needed to leave a cliffhanger. Enjoy :)

Camila closed her laptop with satisfaction. She was pleased with her poem, even if it revealed more of herself than was. However, that was the assignment. Mr. Cowell wanted them to "explore their inner selves and proclaim that exploration to the world".

Looking up at her wall clock, Camila was shocked to see it was after midnight. A little perturbed, she left her room and went to check on Harper. She would have thought that Lauren would have come to say goodbye before she left. Camila automatically started picking up toys from the floor when she entered her daughters room and so was shocked to a standstill when upon straightening up, she saw Lauren Jauregui stretched out alongside Harper on her small toddler bed. Lauren was sound asleep and Harper was curled into her side, using her mother as a pillow.

Without saying a word Camila pulled the comforter up over the pair and nearly screamed when Lauren's eyes snapped open, the moonlight hitting the emerald orbs making them shine.

"Help, I'm stuck", she whispered. At Camila's questioning look, Lauren explained further. "She fell asleep on me and now, I'm afraid if I move, she'll wake up. What do I do?"

With a tiny amused smile, Camila picked up the large Nala stuffed animal from the floor and held it to her mouth to stifle her giggling. It wasn't helping though.

"Oh, that's very helpful", Lauren whispered sarcastically.

Camila held up a finger to indicate that Lauren should wait a minute, as she wasn't able to say anything right now without completely losing it.

Finally, after what seemed like hours, she regained control of herself.

"I'm sorry", Camila whisper-giggled, "but this is really funny. You know, I could just leave you here, right?"

Lauren's brow crinkled with worry. "You wouldn't really do that, would you?"

"No... I wouldn't, but that's not to say I can't enjoy this." Then, obviously taking pity on her, Camila finally relented with a delicate smile that made the older girl melt. "Okay, you hold Nala and I'll lift Harper's arm, then you slide out..."

"And Nala takes my place." Lauren was smiling brightly now. For more than one reason. "That's brilliant."

"Of course, it is."

Camila's plan worked and after Lauren was freed, Camila quietly slid the guardrail under the mattress and leaned over to kiss her her goodnight.

Lauren paused before following Camila to the door. "Could I...", she asked sheepishly, trying not to sound needy as she fixed the beanie that sat on her head.

At her Camila's nod, Lauren gave Harper a kiss on her forehead and followed Camila downstairs where they could talk.

"Thanks", Lauren said shyly as they stood by the entry door. She sounded like a nervous teenager bringing her date home and hoping for a goodnight kiss.

"Thank you", Camila said sincerely. "You saved the day, or at least, my night."

"Ummm, she's probably going to ask about me again tomorrow. I, sort of, promised I'd start coming over to help." Lauren murmured, looking down at her feet as she tucked her hands into the pockets of her hoodie.

"Oh, Lauren..." Lauren's heart dropped at the disappointed sound in her voice.

"Look, if you have a problem..."

Suddenly thinking it over, Camila shook her head and smiled softly. "No it's okay.. I don't."

Lauren reached out and boldly took Camila's hands in her, then surprised herself, as much as the younger Cuban, when she leaned in and gently kissed her on the lips.

Then Camila surprised herself, as much as Lauren, when she kissed her back.


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