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Camila sat on the edge, lazily dangling her feet in the water, while Lauren stood behind her, drying off with a towel. Dinah and their friend recently made friend Normani emerged from the house after taking a break from swimming to use the restroom. Suddenly, the younger Chris shot out of the water like a dolphin and whipped his head around, splashing them with the pound of water held in his curly hair.

"Jeez, Chris! What'd you do that for?", Camila shrieked as she tried to shield herself from the blast of cold water.

Chris was laughing uncontrollably as he lifted himself out of the pool to plop down next to her. "So I could see the look on your face. That's a classic, man."

"Very funny and I'm not a man", she retorted and then quickly slid into the water to get away from her friends irritating brother.

"Oooo, you got her good, dude!", Lauren shouted childishly. Luckily for Lauren, she had still been holding the towel in her hand when the spray attack occurred and she was able to hide behind it, so she didn't get wet.

Chris was watching Camila as she swam to the other side of the pool, got out and walked toward the diving board. "You know, Laur", he commented with his eye firmly fixed on his slightly older female friend, "she's right."

Lauren sat down next to her brother and asked, "About what?"

Very seriously, Chris observed, "She most definitely is not a man."

"Uh?" Dinah supplied, confusion swimming in her eyes.

"What are you talking about, Chris?" Normani intervened as she stood above them as Dinah took a seat by the older girl, raising an eyebrow.

"Take a look, guys. Mila's gettin' a bod'."

The four silently watched as Camila slowly climbed up the steps and walked to the end of the diving board. She was wearing a yellow strapless bikini which along with her long brown hair and beautifully tanned skin made her quite a site to behold. The bikini top was held together with what looked to be a knot between breasts that were just reaching the bloom of womanhood. The bottom of the suit was slung very low on her hips and accented with matching knots on either hip. Lauren swallowed slowly and looked over at Chris, Normani and Dinah.

"Has she been wearing that all day?"

"No Lauser, she snuck into the house when we weren't lookin' and changed", Dinah said sarcastically.

"She's been looking like that for a while now. You just haven't noticed." Chris added. He had noticed only because he was practically always drooling over the older girl.

Lauren looked back toward the diving board when she heard a splash, but Camila was already in the water. She never thought of herself as having feelings for a girl, but now this girl was all she could think about. That didn't seem like a good thing, considering she wasn't like other girls. She already had to wear swim trunks like her brother, while Normani and Dinah got to wear bikini's along with Camila. It helped though, that her friends knew of her 'extra appendage'.

"And you noticed, Chris?"

"Oh, yeah. I noticed." At that, Chris hopped up and announced, "Shoot, its almost five. I gotta go shower before mom gets here to take me to basketball."

Dinah watched as he trudged into the house and stood up from her spot next to Lauren. "I'm going in for snacks. You want?"

Lauren was distracted by watching for Camila to resurface. "Uh, oh yeah. Whatever you're havin'. Hasn't she been down too long?"

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