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"Happy thanksgiving!" Ally sang later that day as she jumped into the kitchen where her sister and mother were currently preparing their extravagant dinner.

Camila laughed as she prepared the mashed potatoes, smiling brightly at her. "Happy Needless-Turkey-Murder day!" Despite her harsh words she said them in a light and happy tone.

Not effected, Ally smiled and plucked a piece of stuffing from the bowl her mother was mixing, receiving a slap on her hand by the wooden mixing spoon. She winced and pouted as she rubbed her hand. "So where's Harper?" she asked, instead taking a carrot from the salad bowl and sitting at the counter.

"She's taking a nap." Camila replied, smiling at the thought of her. "I don't want her too tired for dinner."

Ally giggled as she popped the carrot in her mouth. "You're taking this too seriously."

"I am not. Mamí, am I?"

"Not at all." Sinu laughed as she heard the doorbell. Camila smiled smugly at her sister and wiped her hands on her apron before making her way to the front door, stopping to smack Ally's head on her way which caused her to spit out the carrot. She snickered to herself as she heard her choking and opened the door, her smiling face dropping at the person on the other side.

"What are you doing here?"

Lauren stood on the other side, shifting from one foot to the other. "I need to talk to you Camila." She said seriously, looking at her. "Can you come outside for a minute?"

Camila hesitated and looked back at the kitchen and sighed heavily. "Fine. One minute." She stepped out onto the porch and shivered a bit at the surprisingly chilly Miami November weather. "What do you want?"

Lauren looked at her and took a deep breath. "Kendall is a liar and a bitch," she breathed out and looked into her eyes. "I did not sleep with her or even step foot into her house." Before Camila could speak, she continued and taking both her hands in hers. "I love you. I wouldn't ever dare to cheat on you. You've been on my mind for so long and I've been in love with you for so long, why the hell would I cheat on you and throw everything we have away? Please believe me."

Camila stayed silent for a moment as she looked up into her eyes. "I.." She sighed and took a deep breath. "How did she have my shirt then?"

"Okay, yeah, I went to her house because she said I forgot something there. I was stupid. She kissed me on the porch and pulled my shirt off. I got mad and left. That's the truth. I swear." Lauren confessed, cupping her cheek.

" kissed her?"

"She kissed me!"

"But still.. Lauren-"

Before she could say another word, Lauren leaned down and kissed her deeply, pulling her tight against her body and holding her close.

Camila melted and sighed softly against her lips, kissing her back, reaching up and cupping her cheeks.

Lauren slowly pulled away and gave her soft loving kisses, whispering against her lips. "You're the only girl I want to kiss baby. Please believe me. Forgive me."

Camila smiled against her lips, giggling softly and whispering back. "I do. I forgive you.."

Lauren smiled against her lips and kissed her deeply again.


"You're putting her in that?" Ally asked Camila in bewilderment as she entered her nieces room where her sister was getting the three year old dressed that evening. All she saw was the lace pink dress laying on the bed saved for special occasions.

Camila came out from the bathroom with her daughter in her arms. The little was in a tank top and white tights, with her hair in a ballerina bun held by a pink bow. "Yes, tonight is special." She stated simply, putting the girl down on the floor and putting the dress on her.

"Oh." Ally nodded and sat in the rocking chair in the corner of the room, watching them. "So. What happened with Lauren?"

Camila's entire face lit up in a smile as she buttoned up the back of Harper's dress. "We're back together. She explained everything to me. Kendall lied. I was so stupid to believe her."

"Yeah, you were." Ally snorted but then stopped at the cold glare her sister was throwing at him. "Geez. Sorry." She mumbled, running a hand through her hair. "I don't understand how your own daughter isn't scared of you."

Camila rolled her eyes and kissed her daughters head. "Well for one thing, my baby is smart." She smiled. "Right honey?"

Harper grinned. "Right!" She quipped and wrapped her arms around her arms around her mothers neck tightly.

Camila smiled and hugged her tightly, breathing in her sweet recently bathed scent. "I love you so much baby." She mumbled.

"I love you too mommy." Harper smiled and gave her a big wet kiss on her nose.

Ally smiled at the sweet moment but then bit her lip, remembering the reason she came in here. "Hey Harp, Mamí's downstairs and she said she needed your help with something special."

Harper's eyes lit up at the thought of helping her Mamí with a special project. She grinned at her auntie as Camila put on her last Mary Jane and leaped off the bed. "Okay!" She exclaimed and ran out of her bedroom, mindful of her mothers warning voice not to ruin her pretty party dress.

Ally smiled and turned to face her younger sister, who was putting away what Harper was wearing earlier in the day. "Mila, can we talk?"

Camila glanced at her and frowned for a moment, "If this is you lecturing me about Lauren I don't want to hear it."

Ally rolled her eyes, shaking her head. "No, no, it's not. It's about myself." she paused for a moment, playing with her hands. "I.. like Normani."

The younger of the two stared at her for a moment, not understanding her point. "Okay.. And? I like her too, she's one of my best friends."

Ally scoffed, rolling her eyes again. "Not like that, Camila. As in, yknow, more than a friend." She bit her lip at the end of her confession, shifting her weight from one foot to the other.

Camila's jaw dropped along with Harper's jeans. "Wait, what?" She bent down and picked it up once more. "Since when? I mean, I know you and Troy broke up like two months ago.." Realization dawned on her face and her eyes widened. "Right around the time Lauren and I started talking again. Shit Ally, how did this happen?"

Ally smiled softly, looking down and letting out a long sigh. "I don't know, I mean.. She and Dinah started coming over a lot to see Harper so.. we got closer. She's so sweet and she's amazing with Harper and.." She huffed, crossing her arms. "You have a girlfriend, why can't I?"

Camila rolled her eyes and placed Harper's now folded clothes in her dresser, crossing her own arms. "I didn't say you couldn't, Ally. I support this 100%, but does she feel the same way?"

Ally shrugged, rubbing her arm and letting a sheepish smile. "I think.. she could, I don't know. I hope so." She sighed softly. "What do I do, Mila?"

Camila shrugged, smiling at her older sister. "You should speak to her. I mean.. You deserve to be happy, as happy as I am with Lauren. And if Normani can do that for you, then you should let her know how you feel because she'd be stupid not to feel the same way."

Ally slowly smiled, blushing at her speech. "Thanks Mila."

Camila smiled and crossed the few feet to get to her sisters, embracing the shorter girl in her arms, hugging her tightly. "You're welcome Allycat," she kissed her cheek as the two reveled in the sisterly moment.

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