32 Weeks

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"Elliot, you really screwed up this time. You really don't have room to fuck up. Liv is in there, possibly losing your kids and...dammit El pick up the god damn phone!" Casey hung up as she tried to call him for the third time in a row, only to be met with his voicemail. They had just arrived at the hospital, but the doctors wouldn't allow for Casey to stay with Olivia. So she waited in the hallway, pacing back and forth in her stilettos, the sound of them hitting the floor echoing in the hallway.

She had been thankful that the bleeding had stopped, and that Dr.Ragen was able to meet her at the hospital. She laid in the private room they had given her, courtesy of her last name alone, and rubbed circles on her swell in the hopes she'd feel a kick. Still no luck.

None of this felt real. She had hoped that it was all a terrible nightmare. That she would wake up, wrapped in Elliot's arms like earlier this morning.


Where the hell was he? It wasn't like him to just miss one of her appointments, not if he could help it. This was Elliot's dream to have this baby- these babies. It would be their last time going in for a sonogram, counting down the days until their new addition would arrive, and timing contractions in anticipation of labor.

It could all be over in an instant..again.

"Olivia," Dr.Ragen had entered into the room, greeting Olivia with a smile. She dragged a cart behind her, which appeared to be the sonogram machine. The doctor knew that Olivia was terrified at this point, any mother would be. So she tried her best to be as comforting as possible. "We're gonna check on the kiddos, see if we can get a nice strong heart beat from them both," she lifted the gown they had given Olivia and placed a small blanket over her legs. Dr.Ragen had noticed Elliot's absence, but felt it wasn't her place to ask.

She laid back and rested her head on her arm, while her other hand just kind of laid there. Normally Elliot was there to hold it.

The doctor probed around Olivia's fairly large swell, detecting not only one but two heartbeats right away. Sending wave of emotions flowing through Olivia with the main one being relief. She smiled as the tears flowed down her cheeks. They were okay..

"This is really good Olivia. They're both nice and strong," she continued to study the monitor. "It looks like you have what we call placenta previa. This means that your placenta is covering your cervix, which explains the bleeding and the cramping."

"So what does this mean? Will I be able to carry them full term?"

"That's the goal. This is totally curable. The rules are bed rest until 32 weeks and no sex-"

"Bed rest? I have three kids, I'm Lieutenant at my job, my hus-"

"Olivia if you want your placenta to move up so that you can have a safe delivery this is what has to happen. I'm sorry," Olivia gave up on even trying to negotiate with her. Here she was still pregnant, still healthy, this was only a small obstacle.

"If this means getting my babies here safe.."

"Exactly..do you want to know the sexes?" Olivia thought about it for a moment, Elliot was supposed to be here for this. Although they weren't on the best terms at the moment, she knew this was the moment he was most excited for every pregnancy.

"I've waited long enough," she breathed out. Elliot had left her here alone today. He didn't deserve to be here for this.

"Well it looks like baby A is going to be a baby girl!"

"Another girl," she said quietly and smiled widely.

"Baby B is being a little stubborn.." She moved the wand back and forth attempting to get a good visual. "There he is!"

"A girl and a boy," she croaked out as the tears continued to fall.

"Congratulations! Now we're going to keep you overnight just to run some more test, and make you're in the all clear," she handed Olivia a towel to wipe of the gel and wheeled the cart out of the room.

She sat up with her legs criss crossed and just enjoyed the silence for a moment. Olivia had never had a scare like that and was overwhelmed with gratitude that everything was pretty much okay. She quickly shot a text to Casey asking if she could bring her some orange juice. She needed to get these babies moving, a reassurance that they were still there with her.

"You guys gave mama a scare," she said sweetly  to her swell.

She pressed her home button to check for any missed calls from Elliot.


"You better have a real good fucking explanation for not answering your phone!" Casey yelled in the hallway. She had taken a phone call outside Livs room when she seen Elliot running to the nurses station.

"Simmer down this doesn't concern you!" He yelled back at her.

"Like hell it does! When it comes to Liv crying out in pain as blood spills down her legs, and you being no where to be found-"

"This is none of your goddamn business Casey!"

"HEY! If you two can't keep it down, I'm going to have to ask you to leave!" A nurse broke up their argument, both of them unaware of the scene they were causing.

Elliot followed Casey to an empty waiting room. "Can you just tell what's going on?"

"You'd know if you were here.."

"Woooow," he laughed a bit and ran his hand over his face. He walked past her and went to go find his wife.

Before entering her room, he took a deep breath, trying to calm down. So many things were running through Elliot's mind and he tried his best to prepare himself for the worst. Slowly he opened the door, and was surprised to see his wife awake.

"Baby," he rushed over to her bedside, only to be met with the back of her head. She looked away from him and bit her bottom lip. "Liv, I'm sorry. We got caught up in the move and setting up their new place..I came here as soon as I got the chance to look at my phone!"

"I needed you Elliot! I could've been losing our babies, and you were no where to be found. What if this is what it's like after they're born huh? Me up at 2 am feeding them alone because daddy's out not answering his phone?" She cried as her emotions got the best of her once again today. Elliot knew he had fucked once again, and could bare to see his wife like this any longer. He had to get it together. Although he was giving everything he had, it turned out to not be enough.

"Liv, baby I swear it will all be better in a few weeks okay? I will be here every step of the way!" His eyes welled with tears that he wouldn't dare let fall over. "I can't believe we almost lost you precious little miracles," he ran his hand over her swell without asking, getting a few kicks here and there.

"And you almost might be losing me too..."

Feedback is the key. Let me know what you think!(: Thank you guys! Xx

Her Fight Song: An Army of LiesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ