The Visit

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Olivia had finally made it home safely that next day before dinner time, and while she was in the hospital she had been given plenty of time to think. As much as she wanted try, as much as she didn't want to give up, she was at the end of her rope with Elliot. She had allowed him to stay in the house and sleep in the guest room for the sake of the children, but Olivia just couldn't bare him being in the same house as him.

Time apart

That's what she decided she needed. A divorce just didn't seem like something she had a desire for still, even after all of the bullshit he had been putting her through. However, some type of separation between the two seemed appropriate. Elliot needed time to figure out what the hell he was doing, what his priorities were, because Olivia couldn't deal with coming last on his list of things to do.

They had arrived at the empty house, and she knew it would be the only time they could truly talk before the kids arrived. She attempted to get as comfortable as she could on the sectional as Elliot stood before her watching.

"We um..we need to talk," and like that a knot had already formed in the back of her throat. He sat across on the leather trunk they used as a coffee table, already aware that he was definitely in deep shit.

"I can't do this anymore.." She looked down pinching the bridge of her nose, trying to get through this as fast as possible before breaking down. "We can't keep living like this- I can't keep living like this. El, yesterday I needed you..we needed you, and the only excuse you had was that you didn't have your phone on you. I think that it's best if you move out, figure out your priorities, because you have a family that needs you here too Elliot," he sat with his head hung low, resting in his hands. He was raging inside, but he knew he couldn't force her to let him stay. Elliot knew she was right, he needed to straighten this all out so that he could be there for all of his children.

"Okay," he choked out as tears filled his eyes. "But you're on bed rest for the next 8 weeks. Who's going to help you take care of the kids?"

"Ava is going to move in temporarily into the guest house, Casey has offered to come a few days a week with the kids, and I'm looking into getting a second nanny to give Ava some time off. Tomorrow we can talk to the kids, I just don't have the energy today."

He released a deep breath and ran both hands over his face. He had lost the fight and it was his own fault. All he could do was nod and proceeded to go upstairs to pack his things. The more he filled his suit case, the more tears he shed. This might be it, he thought as he zipped his final bag and used the kitchen exit to the garage. He couldn't tell her good bye, he wasn't ready to let her go.

She laid in bed with all the children snuggled into her sides, each in a deep slumber. She ran her index finger over Penelope's features, noticing how much more she was beginning to look like her father.

It had begun to set in that this could be her life for what felt like could be forever. A divorce wasn't what she wanted, but she knew it was still possible. She had no idea how she would explain to the kids what was happening between their parents. How would she explain why daddy isn't living with them anymore? Why Ava was moving in?

Trying to figure out the answers to these questions kept her mind awake and anxious tonight. Growing up she was used to not having her father around. He raped her mother for gods sake, so she had no desire for him to be in her life.

However, her kids never once had to wonder why daddy was never around. They always had that stability, that constant reassurance that their dad would always come back home.

So no... Olivia didn't know how to tell her children that daddy wouldn't be coming home, or why they would only get to visit with him for now.

She just didn't know.

A week had come and gone, proving itself to be difficult. Breaking the news to the kids was more frustrating than she had anticipated. Farrah understood, she was older than her siblings. However, Penelope and Camden were struggling with the idea that their father wasn't just down the hall anymore.

Elliot had some how managed to come every morning to have breakfast with the kids before school, which didn't bother Liv at all. She had been stuck upstairs on bed rest, so avoiding him wasn't much of a task. Never would she ever keep him from being a father to his children, but she wasn't prepared to see him just yet.

She heard the sound of the garage closing, slightly thankful for the silence that overwhelmed the house. Although Olivia wasn't a home body, she was thankful for this time to rest. This pregnancy was taking a toll on her body, and even though she had Ava around to help, she still found herself to be extremely exhausted by noon.

She planned to take a short nap before she started to catch up on a few things from work. That is until she heard footsteps..

"It's just me," Elliot peeked in her doorway. She had been completely caught off guard, in only a silk robe that barely fit at this point.

"El, you shouldn't be up here," a chill shivered up his spine at the sound of her voice calling his name.

"I didn't mean to bother you," he stood awkwardly shifting between both feet with both hands stuck in his pockets. "Kenna is coming place for dinner this weekend," he still wasn't able to accept the fact that this home was no longer one to claim as his. "And I'm supposed to have the kids as well. I just wanted to make sure you were okay with them meeting."

Olivia ran small circles over her swell, pondering on the idea of the kids all meeting one another. Officially adding Kenna into the equation. She felt wrong because all she wanted to do was tell him no, but she realized Kenna didn't deserve that. She was upset with Elliot, and the child didn't deserve to miss out on this experience.

"Sure but on one condition..we have dinner here," and there was her inner mama bear. She had expected to be there for this, to be able to regulate what would and wouldn't be said to the children. But with her assignment to bed rest, they would have to make due and have dinner at their house- her house.

A wave of shocked rushed over his face, already having a preconceived idea that Olivia would tell him no. He stepped closer to her but she raised her hand.

"Don't," she didn't want to risk it. Not right now.

"I'm just shocked that you agreed to this, and to have it here?" Even though she was on bed rest, the doctor gave her permission to move around for only a few hours a day, but absolutely no trips outside of the house. She figured she could save up her energy to get through one dinner. And plus, it would be good for the kids to see their parents together.

"So Saturday let's say around 6?" She was trying to end this conversation as fast as possible.

"Sounds good," he smiled at her, but she only looked away and turned on her side to relax. A sign that he was dismissed.

She hated having to be this way with him. But he needed to know that he couldn't just waltz in here with his charm, and try to make everything all better. Now she had to figure out how she was going to get through dinner, and there was only one person she knew she could call for help..

I'm sorry ): but Elliot needs to learn his lesson..

Her Fight Song: An Army of LiesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ