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"You think you'll be okay in here tonight?" both Elliot and Olivia sat on either side of Kenna, as they tucked her in to bed for the first time. Although she was far past the days of needing to be tucked in, they wanted to make sure she settled into her new home perfectly. 

"Dad, I'm fine. I promise," her eyes were low, the light pain medication had started to kick in, making her drowsy. 

"Ok," he smiled as he brushed her hair away from her eyes, and placed a kiss on her forehead. "If you need us-"

"You're down the hall. Got it," she finished his sentence, making them both chuckle. "Good night."

"Good night sweetie," Olivia gave her hand a light squeeze, and turned out the lamp on her night stand. 

"You honestly think she's okay?" Elliot whispered, as he and Olivia stood in the hallway. 

"It's only day one. The news might have not sunk in yet with all these changes keeping her distracted," she pulled him into a hug, wrapping her arms around his neck. "Everything is going to be okay," she kissed his cheek, before pulling away. "You still up for that movie night?"  she gave him a soft smile.

"Only if you let me pick the movie," he grabbed her hand as he led her downstairs to the family room. 

"You go ahead and make the popcorn, I've got a heavy load on board," she said, holding onto the underside of her belly as she took the stairs one by one. Elliot laughed and continued to hold her hand, helping her as she made her way down.

As Elliot made the popcorn, she put on one of his favorite movies, before getting comfortable on the plush sectional. Olivia found it a lot harder to get comfortable these days, especially at this stage in her pregnancy. But she did the best she could, settling for placing a pillow next to her side. She winced a bit at the pain that was beginning to throb in her lower back, but figured it had been being more active than usual today. Pain had become a constant obstacle at this point in her pregnancy, so she didn't find it to be anything to be concerned about.

"Do you think that we're doing everything we're supposed to be? For Kenna?" Elliot came and sat next to her, only a few millimeters away, with a large bowl of extra buttered popcorn- her favorite. 

"She might need some counseling a little bit later down the line, but she's a lot going on right now," she placed her hand on the back of his necks, rubbing it with the pad of her thumb. "Talk to me."

"I just..I can't stop thinking about all of the things she must have witnessed over the past few weeks, or months even. I had no idea Kathy was still even in contact with that fool," his jaw clenched as he tried to control the rage was beginning to build. "You don't think he?"

"There weren't any signs of it, and I don't feel that she was. She's a fighter El. If she needs help, she'll come to one of us. I'm sure," she smirked and placed a handful of popcorn in her mouth.

"God, I hope so," he said barely above a whisper and tried his best to let his mind rest for the day, and enjoy this silence with Olivia, with his wife.


"How's everything been going with all of these changes?" their therapist asked as he did his usual note taking. They had managed to only miss a few appointments, and had finally gotten back on track. With the arrival of the twins around the corner, they had both promised to be completely committed to working on their marriage. 

"I would say we've been dealing with them fairly good, " Elliot paused to get a read on Olivia, who had a stoic look etched across her face. She hadn't been feeling well since they sent the kids, except Kenna, off to school this morning, but once again she assumed it had been yet another quirk in her pregnancy. "We're both in good health, Kenna's home, and we agreed that now we need to focus on us and helping Kenna with her mother's death," they both looked over at Olivia who now had her eyes closed, taking slow deep breaths.

"Liv, you okay?" Elliot reached for her but she put her hand up in protest, not wanting to be touched. She leaned over, resting her right elbow on her knee.

"I'm just a little achy," she breathed out.

"How achy?" Elliot stood and knelled in front of her, lighting resting his hand on her knee. 

A few tears had fallen while she kept a steady rhythm of taking deep breaths, and releasing them slowly. She had this constant bothersome feeling that she would be giving birth soon, maybe a week or two earlier than expected but not almost an entire month early. Dr.Ragen had hoped that Olivia would be able to carry the twins at least until 37 weeks. With Olivia's age, and already being a high risk pregnancy carrying multiples, it would reduce a lot of complications that could happen during her delivery. 

She wanted to lie, she wanted to say that the pain would pass by eventually, but she remembered she also had Gwen and Liam to think about. 

"I-I think that I'm going into labor. The pain is in my lower back, like-"

"With P?" she nodded, a quiet whimper escaping from her. "Doc can you stay with her? I'm going to go call the OB, and let her know we're on our way," the doctor nodded, sitting patiently with Olivia, coaching her through what she believed were contractions.


"Olivia, it looks like those were contractions, and you're going into preterm labor," Dr.Ragen stood at the end of her hospital bed, looking over her charts. "I don't want you to panic. You're only a few days off from 34 weeks, and I've had  plenty of mother's deliver multiples this early. My team and I are going to make sure you and your babies have a safe delivery, okay? We'll be back in a few to prep you for surgery," she gave Olivia a reassuring smile before exiting the room.

"This can't be happening," she breathed through another contraction, and held onto the railing of her bed. "What if it's way too early, and the twins are really sick? Or-"

"Dr.Ragen knows what she doing baby. Liam and Gwen are going to be here soon, and she's going to do everything in her power to make sure they get here safe," he stood on her left side, placing a kiss on her forehead. 

"I'm having my babies today," she stated. Trying to help convince herself that this was all happening. They had been content with their 3 children, but had made the decision to just have one more, only ending up being blessed with two babies, then Kenna. Although her arrival was definitely unexpected, Olivia loved Kenna as if she were her own, and wouldn't trade their blended family for anything. And now, in a few hours, they would be a family of 8. A number she never once had even thought of, but if she had to chose to do it with anyone, it would always be Elliot.


"Yeah, El?"

"Thank you," he brought himself closer to kiss her cheek, but she had opted for something different, which caught him by surprise. She brought her lips to his, finally, she thought. For months she had been wanting to just taste his lips, to see if they still felt the same. Maybe it had just been the moment, but she didn't care. She wanted it.

"I love you," she whispered, rubbing her nose against his.

"I love you," he held her close to him as long as he could, until another contraction had come. He helped the best way he could, making sure to rub her lower back.

"Okay Olivia, let's go have some babies!" Dr.Ragen and her team had all come in, suited up and ready to take Olivia down to the operating room.

A few more chapters and it's done (: I have other stories with different styles in mind, if you guys are interested? Thanks Xx.

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