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They laid in bed naked, both completely overwhelmed about what had just happened. Olivia didn't feel as regretful as she thought she would have. She knew that yes, this would further complicate things, but she needed to be touched, loved again even if it was just for one night. For the past four months almost she had been living in a world full of hurt and pain, all while carrying twins and trying to remain a good mother to her children. However, tonight she felt like she could breathe for a moment, and release all of the pent up tension between the two.

They stared out the large window that the bed faced, and watched the sunrise, a sign that their night of careless love making was coming to an end. And that their days full of trouble and angst would return in a matter of minutes.

Olivia sat up and eased out of bed, slowly putting her clothing back on that they had discarded the night before. She stood for a moment, rubbing small circles on her stomach as she did her morning routine of greeting the twins, who would always kick away at this time. Elliot watched as she did this, admiring her.

"So.." Elliot said quietly as he quickly slipped on his boxers. "What does this mean for us?" This was a question she knew he'd ask, but she didn't really have an answer for it right now.

"As of right now it means we both fell into a moment of weakness. El..I haven't completely forgiven you," she stood before him with both hands crosses over her chest.

"What else do you want from me Liv?" He said forcefully, trying to keep from raising his voice. "Do you want for me to beg on my knees?" He stepped closer to her. "Because I will! I swear to god I will!"

"Please don't."

"I need you in my life Liv!" He kneeled in front of her, holding both of her hands in his. "I can't keep living like this..separate lives. Please, I need my wife back, I need my Livvie love back!" He begged as tears sprang to his eyes. Seeing him like this only tugged at her heart strings even more. She couldn't just let him back in that easy, not only after four months. Not after he spent the last 13 harboring such a secret.

"Elliot, as much as I want to do just that, I know that if I don't work on truly forgiving you, it'll never be the same. I should be able to look at that child or hear you speaking with Kathy on the phone, without feeling angry... or jealous," she bit at her lower lip and looked away from him, suddenly feeling insecure.

He didn't know what to say. Elliot stood and she lowered her eyes even more to avoid looking at him.

"You know what? The kids should be up soon, and I still need to shower," she sniffled and hurried out of the room before the tears could fall from her eyes. Just like that, they were back at square one.

Hearing his wife say that, only made it more difficult for him to even think about mentioning Kenna coming over for dinner.

2 days later
"Are you going to be able to make it to my appointment today?" It sucked but Olivia and Elliot were both still in an awkward position. He felt horrible that she had feelings of jealously coursing through her body. How was he supposed to prove to her that she was the only woman for him? The only woman that he needed.

"I'm sure we'll be done by then. We ordered new furniture and stuff, so Kathy won't be bringing over much," today Elliot would be helping Kenna and Kathy move into the new condo he had bought for them in the city. After hearing about their living conditions, he couldn't stand to let his daughter live another minute there. So, he decided this would be his first action as her father.

Olivia told him she wasn't upset about him dropping the $400,000 on the condo, but she couldn't help but feel a little upset. It wasn't even about the money, it was more about him leaving to be with them. And ending up having to schedule in time to make it to her OB appointment.

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