Chapter XIII

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We, and she meant all nine of the guys and the other nineteen female competitors, were all standing around a large open space room, big enough to fit all of them and plenty more with plenty of room to move. The floor was covered in a checkered black-and-white tile and the floor-to-ceiling glass doors that made up one entire wall were open, the gossamer curtains blowing in the chilly breeze that drifts in from the garden. The walls were covered in every weapon available, from wooden swords to the lethal kind.

No one was actually talking, all throwing of hostile glances keeping to themselves. North had a protective arm around her shoulders, and was glaring at anyone looking their way. If he was a dog right now she swear he would have peed on her leg, marking his territory, then bared his fangs to all who dared to come near.

Sang was just lucky she wasn't on the other side of his glare; she would hate to cross his path if ever she did wrong by him.

Growing frustrated by the long wait and the male testosterone that was building by the second sang craved for something to do already. She started to flex her hands then shake them out, and as if sensing her nerves? Frustration? Dakota came up on her other side and wound his fingers with hers.

Two guards entered the hall flanked by a stocky, balding man standing beneath the mezzanine. 

"You attention NOW." He yelled out gaining all of our attention. Sang noticed the way the guys and guards around them stood to attention, and she had to wonder who this man was. "I'm Theodus Brullo, Weapons Master and judge of this competition. At the end of the competition the King will be the judge of you sorry lot, but I'll be the one everyday determining wether or not you have it in you to be fir enough to become the Champion."

He lifts his sword and runs a hand along the blade and she can't help admire the gold of the pummel. "I've been Weapon Master here for thirty years, and lived in the castle for twenty-five more of that. I've trained many a lord and knight – and many would-be champions. It WILL be very hard to impress me."

Sang realised that this Weapon Master must have trained the Captain and the rest of her Guards, and if they are showing him this much respect; he must be good.

"The King has already told you all there is to know about the competition. For those who are ignorant of the whys, let me explain. You are all here to compete for the role to be Champion, the Kings Assassin." At his words Sang tense and she could feel the others around her starring at her, waiting for her to react. "Each week on the Sunday you will complete the course, test or fight that has been set up. Each week the last person to complete the course will be eliminated... if you haven't already killed yourself in the attempt."

Brullo puts his sword away and laces his hands behind his back. "As I can tell a lot of you are dying to learn more about each other," he points to one of the girls dressed in a long lace white tunic and loose trousers, a belt wrapping around her hips. "You. What's your name and occupation? And be honest about it – I know none of you are bakers and candle makers."

The lacy looking princess, who had hair to make her white attire, and was actually quite beautiful if she didn't hold a permanent sneer on her face, stepped forward. "I am Lady Katherine, and I am a Master Thief and Manipulator." Sang scoffs quietly to herself and smirks; as if that is something to be proud of.

Next was, Lady Elizabeth- also a thief but not as renowned as Lady Katherine. Miss Lucinda- once again a thief, but was meant to be send to the Slave Mines until this offer saved her from it. Miss Elizabeth- Slave killer...enough said. Lady Satire- trained in poison making. Lady Christina- snuck into the guards army and pretended to be a male, killing the soldiers at night... apparently one of them did her wrong. Miss Annabelle- a master of sneaking around without being seen. Miss Sierra – loves everything sharp, and loves it even more when it's sticking out of someone...crazy. Lady Lizzie – the female version of Robin Hood; stole from the rich and gave to the poor. Lady Roxie- trained by her father in the art of combat... he wanted a son. Miss Iva, another thief, pretty low key. Miss Lucy- works on a farm...seriously? Lady Stacey – another poison master, apparently quite good too. Miss Celeste- trained with the bow and arrow. Miss Daniela- another thief. Miss Krystal- master at throwing knives. Lady Paula – loves to kill people apparently, can't get enough of it...some people are just plane crazy. Lady Sarah – another thief...way to many thieves' around here.

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