Chapter XVIII

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Hi everyone,

So, sorry about the wait, being a cliffy and all.
I apologise if there are any mistakes, I quickly wrote this up so you didn't come after me with flaming torches and pitch forks.
I hope it's ok, not a lot happens, but some secrets are accidentally – on Sang's behalf – and not so accidentally – on the Captain's behalf - revealed.
Anywho, enjoy!


A thousand thoughts rose through Sang's mind along with a mixture of emotion. At first she was shocked to see Uncle and his wife Erica, then confusion set in that was closely followed by anger. Why where they here and why were dressed to the finest talking to North, Luke and Dakota? How did they know each other?

"Miss Sorenson? Are you feeling well? It looks like you have seen a ghost." Sang glanced up at the Captain, physically having to tear her gaze from those who she had thought where her family, who seemed to have lied to her about everything.

"I'm not overly sure that I haven't." She replies more to herself than the Captain.

He raised an eyebrow in confusion and turns to look at what she had been starring at. "Are you referring to Lord Taylor and Lady Lee?

"What? Please don't tell me that they are the parents of North, Luke and Dakota?" Please tell me this is a dream.

For so long they spoke of their children that they were abroad travelling, but she never thought for one second that they would be from a completely different time. She had only ever met Jessica, the child to both of them and had none since her birth. How could she have been so stupid, they even had the same last name, knowing full well that they had only recently been married when she first met them, both having children of their own, before Jessica came into the picture.

"Yes they are. Would you like to meet them?" Sang's eyes go wide at this and she quickly shakes her head no.

"Maybe next time. I don't think I'm feeling well enough to meet them, can we please get out of here before I throw up all over the place." She wasn't joking either. After the race she was doing everything she could to hold it in, but seeing Uncle and Miranda again made her sick to the stomach.

"If that is your wish." She could only nod and turned around and headed back towards her own quarters, making sure not to be seen by them.

Sang was feeling betrayed, knowing that if that was indeed her Uncle and Miranda than they could travel through time and that they choose to leave her there by herself only to later find her way here. If they had taken her with them her outcome in this world could have been one of completely different nature. She never would have become a slave, she never would have been forced into this competition and she wouldn't have been fighting for her life.

But then... would she have met her guards?

"Miss Sorenson." Sang sighed to herself and stopped to face the Captain.

"Look, I'm fine ok. Can you please just give me a moment, all of you?" She looked behind him to see that apart from Luke, North and Dakota the others had followed silently, all looking towards her in concern. "I'm fine, ok? I'm fine." She turned before they could see the tear that slipped past her defences and took of running back towards her quarters.

When Sang made it back, she slammed the door behind her and barely made it to a bucket before emptying the contents of her stomach. When she finally stopped, she was sobbing hysterically, unable to catch a breath. Sang knew she was having a panic attack... why? That she didn't know. Her reaction to seeing them again shouldn't have warranted such a strong emotion in her, but it was and it felt like she was drowning.

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