Chapter XI

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Merry Christmas everyone

I hope you are all having a wonderful day, and getting plenty of presents.

I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Love A-A

"Ok Miss Sorenson, the competition starts tomorrow where you and the other ladies will meet up with the first of your instructors. You will have a week to learn and practice what ever is taught and then you and the others will compete at the end of the week on Sunday. Since there is twenty of you in total, each week one of you will be eliminated, so that gives you twenty weeks of vigorous training to get you back to full health. You have improved a lot since our first meeting, but you and I both know that you are a long way of before actually reaching your full potential. These ladies have never had to suffer in the slave mines, or go a day without food, so they already have a head start on you there. But with the eight of us..." Captain Blackbourne was cut of by Prince Victor who was leisurely sprawled out on one of the many couches feeding himself grapes.

"Nine Owen. Just because I'm a Prince, doesn't mean I can't help out as well." She watched as the Captain rolled his eyes and continued with his spill.

"Fine, but with the nine of us helping, you should not have a problem with winning this competition." Sang nodded at him, but not really paying attention.

Tomorrow she would start whatever they dished out to her and meet these elusive women who are meant to be the best of the best. Sang only hoped that coming from a distant future, that at least she learnt something there that will give her an advantage over the others.

In the week that had flown by, Sang had trained one on one with all nine of the individuals, whether it was lifting weights, running, sparring; hands or weaponry, and practicing with the cross bow and compound bows. She never realised how much her muscled could hurt until this week, and was glad when the Captain had allowed her a day off to recuperate; his words, not mine.

Sang was silently thankful to be able to just relax and spend time with the men who have been slowly filling the ever closing gap that was in her heart. She didn't want to think what would happen if in twenty weeks she didn't win, and have to go back to the place that would definitely kill her this time. She finally found what she wanted to do with the time given to her, even if it meant taking on army of trolls, she take anything given or taken from her as long as these man stayed a constant in her life.

"Miss Sorenson, Miss Sorenson... SANG." Jumping slightly Sang looked guiltily up at the Captain and smiled.

"I'm listening." Hearing a snort come from across the room, she looked to see Gabriel smirking at her.

"You had the same look as Luke does when he is in his own head." This time Sang snorted her amusement.

"Maybe, but I'm pretty sure my head was in a completely different gutter than his." The others looked on in confusion not understanding her meaning. "Sorry, what I meant was Luke is most likely thinking of risqué things, while mine was less... bawdy." Once again they started at her in confusion, she really must remember how she speaks sometimes, otherwise she will have to explain everything. Huffing a sigh she has another go, but this time more blunt. "Luke dreams about sex and other... things, where my mind doesn't really revolve around the one thing. Unlike males, I only have one head and I tend to use that, while the males, Luke for example, more think with the other."

There is complete silence before everyone burst out in laughter slapping Luke on the shoulder, but he is once again starring off into space causing everyone to laugh harder, only proving my point more. Sang looks to the Captain and see that his is doing that full on smile that almost causes her to pull a Luke, but quickly shakes her head to clear her of her indecent thoughts. It was times like this that the Captain failed to make an appearance in her mind, and Owen to take front and centre of all her thoughts.

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