Chapter XIX (Part I)

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Hi all,

So this is only Part 1 of this chapter, I just wanted to get something out for you all and I apologise about the REALLY long wait.

I hope its ok,


Have you ever noticed no matter how tired you are, when you try to sleep the pillow becomes too lumpy, the bed to hard, the blanket not warm enough and your mind just doesn't want to shut off. But when you do eventually fall asleep and you do get lost in that peaceful slumber, the moment you wake everything changes.

All of a sudden the pillow is just right, having you wanting to bury your face in it to chase the departing sleepiness. The bed is just right and the blanket is wrapped around you like a tight embrace. Of course all of this last a minute, maybe two if you're lucky, and you remember why you're so tired and the reason you fought so hard to fall into the thing that's now threatening to leave.

For someone who had barely received any sleep the previous night, the fact she was awake long before the sun was to rise proved to her that last night was weighing more on her than she thought. It may also have to do with the fact that for the first time since she had arrived – at the castle - she was completely alone.

Sang had waited an hour, then two before retiring to bed, giving up all hope that at least one of them would turn up. The fact is, Sang didn't know what she wanted from them, but she had a feeling that she would have just liked some sort of reassurance that they would be okay, that they didn't think she was crazy or insane or... Something.

Sighing to herself in frustration and a little anger, she throws the blanket off and dresses for the day, not even bothering to wait for the others to show up.

Heading off at a jog she heads towards the building where they had met the previous Monday, ready to start week two. Once arriving, Sang noticed she was the first to arrive and looked up to see some beams that she could climb and wait for everyone to arrive.

Something she should be used to... Waiting.

Prince Victor's POV

Victor wanted to see Sang; no he needed to see her. He needed to know that she was okay, to know she was safe... that she was real. He knew without a doubt of what she spoke of the night before to be true, how could it not.

Unable to sleep at all last night he sat in his room going over everything that has happened. Is it true she really was in the wrong place at the wrong time?

Which means she really is innocent.

Victor had grown up on the tales of the three Demi-Fae sisters, Mora, Maeve and Mab. The stories told of them as half animal, half fairy and were told to be immortal and had come from a different world. No one actually knows what happened to them, as they use to be the Queen's, splitting the country up into three equal parts. The stories say there was an uprising that had wiped them all out and eradicating all offspring, leaving nothing to chance. They were told to be vile and evil creatures and held an unearthly appearance, too beautiful to witness without holding a claim over their victims.

Victor had to wonder if maybe it more than just a tale and actually history told as a fantasy.

That was Victor's last straw, gathering his cloak, still dressed from the previous day, he stormed out of the room.

"Prince Victor?" Startled at the sound of the voice, he whirled around, his cloak fanning out around him, to see a young maid standing there.

"Yes?"  He finally asked after finally getting over his initial shock.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2016 ⏰

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