Chapter 11

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Rain's POV

Home alone Nathan and I were chilling on the sofa, eating cereal when he turned to me; "Hey Rain, do you wanna go on a date today?"

"It's a bit early don't you think?" I replied seeing as everingthing was happening so quickly today, I hadn't even had enough time to think about when I had started to like him.

"I know, but we have got the whole day alone..." He was beggining to blush, how cute? I just had to agree to the date.

"Okay, where we off to?" I ask, I'm not the most patient of people!

"It's a surprise!" He winks at me, "You need a swimsuit and just casual clothes, but don't forget a jumper coz it's surposesd to be pretty chilly."

"Yes sir!" I sallute before dumping my bowl in the sink and running upstairs to find my navy bikini. It has a bow in the middle of the top and two little bows on ever side of the bottoms. Slipping neon green shorts and an All Time Low tee on top. I grabbed Nathan's Hoodie from the day before and my purse slipping black converse on my feet.

When I came back downstairs Nathan was waiting at the door to the garage. "Ready?"

"Yep, lets go to a mystery wonderland!" I screamed like a happy 5 year old.

He chuckle and walked into the garage, opening my door for me. Honestly I'm not really into this sorta thing but I smile and sit down in the passenger seat.

"Where are we going?" We have been in the car talking about all sorts of silly things and I have finally become impatient.

"Not much longer." He replies instead of answering my question so I huff like a little kid and look out the window trying to see some clues.

Soon we are travling along a dirt road, full of potholes, but the veiw out of the window is beautiful. There is a vast amount of trees and two feilds full of lusious green grass. I was so preocupied I didn't nottice Nathan had stopped the car and was now walking round to my side to open my door. He held his hand out for me that I ignored hoping he would understand I'm not into the soppy stuff.

"Come on, we have to walk a little to get to the surprise." He winks at me with a knowing smirk, as if he knew the anticipation I have.

I couldn't help but feel like he was enjoying my impatience so I ran up behind him and jumped on his back.

"Giddy-up horsey!" I cried, wrapping my arms around his neck and my legs round his torso. His arms were wrapped around me keeping me up as he chuckled starting the walk to the surprise. We were entering the woods in silence as I gazed at the beautiful scenery but also thinking about all the times my parents took me into the woods at the bottom of our garden.

Soon I could hear rushing water smashing over rocks and Nathan put me down. "It's beautiful..." I sighed gazing down at the creak.

"Yeah, I normally keep this place a secret but I knew you'd love it." He gave me a heart stopping smile... then just took his top off! Wow, them abbs are back... hehe I can't take my eyes off them... damn I really wanna lick them...

"See something you like?" I could hear the smirk in his voice as my ears started to redden. I looked up in his eyes and took my top off, wearing a smirk of my own as his eyes raked over my naked top half.

He took his jeans off as I took mine shorts off and I was about to ask how we get down to the water when Nathan ran and jumped into the pool below. I heard a giant splash and looked over the edge to wear Nathan was waving to me.

Okay, breath, just close your eyes and jump. I repeated this in my head 5 times before finally stepping forward and jumping off the edge. I felt consumed by the cool water as I shot upwards. When I resurfaced Nathan was looking at me like a proud father and he closed the distance between us placing his lips on mine is a soft, loving kiss. Nah, I wanna go underwater!

I tugged his hair and pushed his head down and all I could think was; Oh my god, How awesome?!??!

Yo yo yo! Sup dudes?

 I would just like to say all though I have read plenty of romantic novels on wattpad I didn't really know what to write for their date! I would like to dedicate this chapter to all the people that gave me an idea for the date!!! xxx

luv u all! Don't forget I always wanna read your books!

The One That Got Away (On hold... unless you ask me to write some more?)Where stories live. Discover now