Chapter 8

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Rain's POV

The rest of the week went by casually: no problems with Stacey, Poppy and I have become

good friends and I am no longer the latest gossip.

Right now me and Nathan are sitting on the couch watching Men In Black 3, the best film ever made!

"Hey guys, can you pop into town and get some groceries for me?" Christine called from the doorway.

"Do I have to?" Nathan whined

"Don't speak to your mother like that! She carried you for 9 months and has now put up with you

for 17 years more! I don't want to hear you disrespect her ever again because some people

don't have their mums anymore!" I shouted then stormed out. Not before whispering in Christine's

ear that I was just collecting my bag and wishing I could see his reaction.

I heard a chuckle from Christine and a murmur of an apology from Nathan as I was walking up

the stairs smirking.

Once I had my shoes on and my bag over my shoulder I went back into the living room.

"Come on, we're taking your car."

I grabbed his keys and slumped down in the passenger seat, waiting for Nathan. Two minutes

later Nathan sat down in the driver's side. We drove in silence but I knew he was thinking

about my outburst, and because I'm so stubborn I didn't want to break the silence first.

Eventually we parked up and Nathan grabbed a trolley.

"So... What do we need to get?" Nathan stated exactly what I was thinking.

"Maybe I could make dinner tonight?" I hadn't cooked in a while and also felt I should

repay their kindness.

"Sure, what you thinking?" Nathan replied looking interested.

"How does Ratatouille sound?" (I saw the film a few years back and decided to make some, that

is when I fell in love with it!)

"Sounds posh! I bet it'll be great," I smiled back at him.

"Alrighty! We need courgettes, tomatoes, potatoes and cheese."

So we set to work collecting the ingredients for Ratatouille and cheesy potatoes whilst picking up

other groceries on the way.

We payed at the checkout then stepped out the store, to find it was pouring with rain!

We ran to the car, saving the shopping, then Nathan turned to me, "May I have this dance?" He held

his hand out and spoke like a posh British gentlemen.

"I would be delighted!" I laughed playing along with the joke.

He put his hand on my waist, I had a hand on his shoulder and he took my other hand in his

huge warm ones. Suddenly we were skipping round the only car in the lot, whilst humming

"singing in the rain".

After 5 minutes I was shivering and my teeth chattering.

"Come on, let's go dry off." Nathan led me to his car. I pulled off my soaking hoodie and he gave

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