Chapter 10

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Nathan's POV

After our confessions I took a shower whilst Rain went looking for food. Millions of thoughts swamped my mind whilst the hot water hammered against my body.

When did I start liking Rain?

When did she start liking me?

Wow, that kiss was good...

I kinda wish she was showering with me... (What, I'm a guy!)

God, please help me not to track down her father and make him pay.

How can someone hurt someone so beautiful?

What possesed her mother to leave her?

By the time I finished in the shower my head was hurting and I felt the need to be by her and protect her from all the evil in the world, of which she has seen too much already. Once dressed I headed downstairs to find the house empty apart from Rain sitting on the sofa eating cereal and a sticky note on the fridge door. Gone to the hospital, don't go wild but do what you want today. Love Mum.

I think it's time to take Rain out on a date!

Hehe just a short one... please give me date ideas!!!

The One That Got Away (On hold... unless you ask me to write some more?)Where stories live. Discover now