Chapter 2

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Rain's POV

Once I was away from the bar, and the man that 'Oh-so-kindly-bought' me my drink, I rounded a corner onto the street I had parked my bike-(A Black Cherry 2006 Yamaha FJR1300AE). Straddeling my bike I downed the drink hopeing to fall asleep numb tonight so I wouldn't have to remember and replay the past. Still very aware of my where-abouts I started the bike up and sped down the roads to my flat.

After locking my bike up in the small garage I walked straight up to the vodka and sat down infront of the TV sipping the clear liquid. That night I fell asleep on the couch like every other night for a month now.

*** 3 hours later ***

Beep beep, beep beep

"Shut up" I groaned and turned over.

Beep beep, beep beep

"I thought I told you to shut up!" This time whilst reaching for the alarm clock I fell off the couch and hit my head on the floor. It was then that I realised there was never an alarm clock but the smoke alarm sounding. I jumped up and ran outside. I gazed up at the building, that just so happened to be my home, burning and the firemen trying to put the fire out.

I felt a light tap on my shoulder and turned around to face a fireman in his mid-forties. "I take it you'll be needing a place to stay?" He asked with a friendly smile on his face.

"I am, but I don't see how you can help." I reply slightly too snappy, but who can blame me? My home just got burnt up!

"Well, if you'd like, you can come and stay with my family for a while? Do you have a job here or any family?" I looked at him for a moment deciding whether he was a safe bet and whether I should trust him. After searching his face for bad, of which there was non, I decided to trust him.

"I would love to come and live with you, I do not have a job nor family." I left home a month ago to get away from my father. After my mother commited suicide he blamed me for her decision. (I still don't know why she decided it was the right thing to do) My father then abused me and later started rape. I had to get away so I hacked my father's bank details and stole the emergancy money before fleeing in the night to this flat that I had booked a few days before. I know I took the coward's way out but I couldn't have stayed any longer.

"Great! Unfortunately your flat was destroyed and everything in it, I will make sure you have new clothes and belongings. Do you have anything in the garages, they were not harmed by the fire?" He spoke with a reassuring yet authoritative voice.

"I only have my bike." I spoke simply.

"I will collect that in the morning, but for now I think we should try and get some sleep." With that he led me to his car and drove to a single house surrounded by countryside. In the car he told me his name was Brian, he was married and he had a son. It was still dark when we arrived so I couldn't see the house very clearly, but what I did see was stunning compared to my flat. He led me through the house until we reached the attic which acted as a spare bedroom. I said goodnight to him and fell asleep in a comfy bed.

Picture of Rain's bike on side! x

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