Chapter 3

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Please give me feedback and ideas for what to write next 'coz i'm just bobbing along with no real clue of what will happen next! :D

*Rain's POV*

As I was sitting on the couch watching Twilight, home alone, I heard the door lock turn and it slowly creak open. Then I heard heavy, uneven footsteps getting closer and closer. I gripped the penknife I had in my jeans pocket for dear life knowing exactly who had just returned from the local bar.


That name that once filled me with joy and happy memories now brings hatred, fear and a longing for freedom. As his well built figure came into view I stayed as still as I could staring blankly at the TV whilst taking none of it in for my heart was beating over the sound of the movie. Slowly I saw his hand reach down to caress my cheek and I heard his painfully horse voice;

"How was your day Ruby?" He stated emotionless.

"It's Rain," I whispered in return

"Don't you dare back-chat me, young lady! I have been the only person that could bare to live and look after you and this is how you repay me?! Your mother couldn't stand your company and neither can anyone else!" And with that he knocked me to the ground and repeatedly kicked me in the stomach. When I didn't react he grew bored and I heard him slump upstairs. By now I was shaking uncontrollably and curling up into a ball.

I woke up shaking and curled up in a ball with tears and sweat trickling down my skin, that was the first night I was unable to keep the dreams away. As I slowly peaked out from the duvet I took in my surroundings and the night's events all came flooding back.

I checked the time on my watch, 10 o'clock. Slowly I forced myself out of bed and into the ensuite bathroom, where I washed the tears and memories away with the warm blast of water from the shower. I walked back into the bedroom to find someone had left me a clean pair of clothes. I dressed in my underwear from the day before and pulled on the black jeans, green Holister tee and a grey zip-up hoodie. Once my hair was thrown up into a messy bun I trudged down the stairs taking in the very cute cottage that unfolded as I walked. Then I smelt the most beautiful smell, pancakes! I followed the smell until I came to a kitchen with a forty year-old woman standing over a pan and occasionally flipping the pancake high into the air.

She must have sensed I came in because she turned around and gave me a big hug. "I'm so sorry about your flat! But it will be so much fun having a temporary daughter for awhile, my name is Christine."

"Hi, it's a plesure to meet you, my name is Rain." I replied returning her infectious smile.

"Sit, eat," she gestured to the kitchen table surrounded by four wooden chairs. I sat down and almost immediately a plate piled high with pancakes was in front of me making my mouth water. I dug in and I can tell you now Christine makes some damn good pancakes!

With me shovelling food into my mouth and Christine baking another batch of pancakes neither of us noticed a figure walk through the kitchen door untill he shouted; "What the fuck is she doing her!?"

Not much to add apart from; Who knows who the mystery man is????


I do!

The One That Got Away (On hold... unless you ask me to write some more?)Where stories live. Discover now