Chapter 7

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Rain's POV

After Maths it was lunch so Nathan took me to the lunch hall. We both got our food then sat down at a table Maria and Holly were already sitting at.

"Hey!" Holly called and moved over so I could sit next to her. "What happened with Stacey?" She whispered so only our table could hear.

"She was picking on a girl so I helped the girl and told Stacey not to mess with me or my friends," They gave me faces that read I was mad and brave. "What?"

"You are the first person to stand up to Stacey!" Maria and Holly both shouted. I just shake it off with a chuckle.

"Yeah, I also really liked the comment concerning her abortions! Had me crying!" We all looked behind me to see Caine smiling evilly.

"I can't believe I missed it!" Matt whined from behind Maria, taking a seat next to her.

"Hehe, Well I got some maths homework I need to do, I'll be in the library." With a wave I left the group to find the library I passed when trying to find the reception.

The library is a maze of bookshelves with a few computers and desks at one side of the room. I sat down at a desk that had a girl with frizzy hair sitting over a red and white notebook. I sat and peered over to notice she was writing, a poem or lyrics?

"Hi" I said as I sat down. Her head flew up and I notticed it was the girl I saved from Stacey this morning. "How are you? Oops, I'm Rain," I introduced myself.

"My names Poppy, and Thankyou." She replied kinda timidly but I could tell there was another personality she showed to people she trusts.

"No problem, I never like to see a school with a queen bee. What you writing?" I smiled showing her I could be trusted.

"Promise not to judge?" She asks and I nodd in response. She hands over the book, "Song lyrics."

I looked down at the little book in my hands and read;

Say Goodbye

Watching the world go by, while I just sit and cry, feels like a part of me died

Know that my friends they'll grow, to people I'll never know, know they're gonna be okay, just wish we had one more day.

Trying to say goodbye, this time it's not a lie, no that the words their there, guess I'm just really scared

Really ain't that hard, seem to break me heart, if I had one more day, would I really be okay?

Some ways I feel sad, other I feel glad, know that me friends they're there, know how much they care

If I could start again, know that I'd never change , cause I love the memories we've made, just wish we had one more day.

Gotta look them in the eye, tell them that last goodbye, feels like only yesterday, we were just saying hey. Don't really wanna say, know that the tears will change, all I really have to say, wish we had one more day.

Guess I'm gonna be okay.

"Wow, This is really good Poppy," I kinda feel enchanted!

"I have a melody too! It will be better with that," She seems excited to have a secret off her shoulders and someone to talk to about it.

"I'm sure it will and you'll have to show me. I think it's great already though!" She is just too cute!

Ring ring!

Well I got a lot of homework done! (note the sarcasm)

"What lesson do you have next?" Poppy asked.

"History. You?" I reply, secretly hoping she has the same. I think we are gonna have a lasting friendship.

"Yay! I got History too! Come on I'll show you where." I laugh at her enthusiasm but allow her to pull me along to our next lesson.

Poppy is my bessie and I just found out she writes lyrics!!! Those are hers and I thought it would be cute to share them with yall! x

The One That Got Away (On hold... unless you ask me to write some more?)Where stories live. Discover now