Tears sting my eyes,and I want to let them down my face. But I hold them in with all the strength I have left. But the question is,do I really have much left?

"Matt?" I ask weakly and he turns his attention straight to me.

"Yes sweetheart." He replies back.

"I'm tired." I say back,my eyes already starting to close.

"Do you want to go to sleep?" He asks and I nod,not caring what time it is.

He gets up to leave,and even though it hurts I move my arm to grab his,and look pleadingly at him.

"Please don't go." I say.

"I'm not going to,I never would. I'm just gonna turn the lights off." He says and I nod.

When he returns to his spot on the bed,I cuddle up against him. It takes a few minutes to find a spot where it doesn't feel like I'm dying,but I eventually find a spot.

He kisses the top of my head,and rubs my back as I listen to his calm heart beat,letting me relax.

"I knew you could do it. Your a survivor Stevie. Your my fighter. I love you." He whispers to me.

"I love you too." I reply,and soon drift off to sleep in Matt's arms.

  I jolt awake. My cheeks wet from tears. My heart racing fast,and pain shooting through me.

  Matt wakes up instantly.

  "Stephanie what's wrong?" He asks worriedly and I try and take a breath.

  "I had a horrible dream. That I didn't survive the surgery. And I left all of you guys in so much pain. It's like I was looking down on all of your lives after I was gone. It affected you the most. And Emma." I let out,my voice raspy and quiet.

  Matt wipes away the fresh tears on my face and kisses me.

  "Well you survived Stephanie,so you don't have to worry about it. I love you Stevie. It'll be okay." He says to me,pulling me closer to him,if it's possible and I bite my lip from the pain.

  I lay my hand on his chest along with my head,and look at the clock to see its 3 in the morning. Well so much for some good sleep.

   This time when I wake up, it's 10 o clock. And this time Matt is waking me up. Telling me that I need to take my medication,but I can only half hear him.

  I sit up in my hospital bed. I don't really know how I slept with tubes in my arms,but my forearm is sore.

  "Wait the pink,orange,white or green pill?" I ask looking at all the different bottles of pills sitting on the table beside me.

  "The pink ones are for right now." He replies,taking the bottle and opening it,handing me two small round pills.

I've always hated taking pills. I don't exactly know why,but I cringe as Matt hands me a glass of water to swallow my pills down with.

After I'm done taking my pills,we sit there in silence,just starring into each other's eyes,until he breaks the silence.

Why Can't This Be Love (A7X/M Shadows Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now