The Ghost I Know (a one act play) Act I, Scene Two

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(Lights fade in, Zariah and Lock are facing the left side of the stage, standing on the right side. They are looking at Blaise, who is walking out onstage. Zariah is surprised, shocked, and confused, while Lock is apprehensive and fiddling with his fingers. Blaise cautiously walks out on stage.)
Blaise: Hey, who are you? You look sick, but I guess that makes sense; how long have you been around Zariah? Y'know what? Judging by how pale you are, I can tell you've gotten to know her. Now do you two know where I even am?
Zariah: (steps closer to Blaise) You can see him, Blaise?
Blaise: (steps back nervously, like she's crazy; obviously) Of course I can see 'im! You blind or something?
(Zariah runs over to the spot Lock is in, and starts groping around for him)
Zariah: (yelling loudly) GIVE ME A SIGN IF YOU SEE ME-
(Blaise walks over to Zariah, trying to avoid Lock. He grasps her shoulder and makes her look at him, much to her disapproval.)
Blaise: (yelling, annoyed) Stop acting insane and tell me... um... why you're acting insane!!
Lock: (walks behind Blaise, holding up hands defensively) Okay, guys, let's calm down, I think I know what's up.
Blaise: Enlighten me.
Zariah: Enlighten you?
Lock: No, me.
Blaise: I don't think she can hear you.
Lock: (sarcastically) Oh, really, smart-
Zariah: He's a ghost!!
Lock: My name is Lock- Oh.
(Zariah covers her mouth, Blaise looks at her with her eyes wide, then back at Lock)
Blaise: ... What?
(Lock smiles tiredly, tears forming in his eyes. He places his hand on Blaise's should, who still has a grip on Zariah. Lock's hand goes right through his shoulder [Lock's hand passes Blaise's shoulder by a hair].)
Blaise: (lets go of Zariah, turns completely to face Lock; baffled) Wow.
(Tears fall down Lock's cheeks.)
Lock: (whispers, smiling and shaking his head) I'm dead.
Blaise: Dead! But I see you!
Zariah: Same here... Well at least I could.
Blaise: What do you mean?
Lock: Apparently only one of you can hear and see me at once; you can see me, Zariah can't.
Blaise: This... This is absurd! (looks at Zariah) Only one of us at a time can see and hear Lock! That doesn't make any sense!
Lock: (quickly) You saw what happened with my hand! I'm dead! Get it through your thick skull!
Blaise: (holds up his hands in defense) Okay, buddy, I get it.
Lock: (retreats in the corner again, draws his legs up) No, you don't get it. Neither of you could understand what I'm going through. I'm being controlled, man. I'm being controlled by some sick human. His name is Carter. I'm scared. I want to be free. I just want to die.
Blaise: So you brought us here- somehow- because you were desperate for help?
Lock: (lowers his head) Yeah, I used magic to bring you here.
Blaise: (sighs) I never thought I'd decide to help someone die.
Lock: (raises his head) So you'll help me?
Blaise: (shrugs) I guess...
Lock: (springs up and runs over to Blaise excitedly) Really? Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you!
Blaise: (smiles nervously and closes his eyes) It's no problem. (glares at Zariah) Although it may be hard to work with this stubborn idiot.
Zariah: (defensively) Hey!
(Blaise looks to where Lock is, but does not see him anywhere. Zariah seems to focusing on a certain spot where Blaise last saw Lock. Lock shifts his focus to Zariah.)
Lock: I guess you can see me now.
(Zariah nods.)
Lock: (happily) I'm so happy you guys are going to help me! Thank you... Really... Thank you.
Zariah: (places hands on hips) Well Blaise, I guess we'll be partners for the time being.
(Blaise's eyes widen, and he looks at Zariah.)
Blaise: What? I have to work with you? (shakes head rapidly) No way, no way, absolutely no way.
(Lock stares at Blaise in disbelief. Zariah throws her hands up in frustration.)
Zariah: Oh, come on, it won't be that bad. It's not like we'll have to be friends. Just... acquaintances?
(Lock looks at Blaise in a pleading manner, folding his hands together and balancing on his knees, although Blaise can't see him.)
Zariah: Lock is literally begging you for help right now... Come on...
Blaise: (sighs; defeatedly) Alright. Fine, but we're just acquaintances, nothing more, nothing less.
Zariah: Oh, thank you!
(Zariah tightly hugs Blaise, and he struggles in her grasp.)
Blaise: (frustratedly) Get off of me!
(Lock, who Blaise can now see, walks in the middle of the embrace, smiling. Blaise sighs and smiles, awkwardly patting Zariah's head.
Lock: Hey, Zariah, is it?
Zariah: Yes, what is it, Lock?
Lock: What's your grudge against, um, Blaise?
Zariah: (immediately stops embracing Blaise) He's stupid and he's mean to me and one time in second grade he cut my hair with scissors and he threw a pie in my face and he called me dumb and he's called me an idiot countless times and...
(As Zariah rambles, Blaise groans and covers his ears, while Lock laughs. Lights fade out.)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2016 ⏰

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