Jackets (a Yu-Gi-Oh! short story)

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Note: The story has some slight Yu-Gi-Oh! The Abridged Series references. If you have it watched it, you'll still understand the story.

Another note: This story is not set in Season 0, I just prefer to reference the characters from their Season 0 names (ex. Jonouchi, Anzu, etc.)

Warning: Minor cursing.


Yugi walks around the building, completely lost. He mentally scolds himself for wandering off in the KaibaCorp building.

'Uh, pharaoh, a little help here?' Yugi asks the pharaoh, Yami, otherwise known as Atem, through his mind link.

'I have absolutely no idea where you are and how you got here. Maybe you should have told me sooner....' Yami says, smirking as he cuts off the mind link.

"That son of a-" Yugi begins, but is soon interrupted by his own stupidity. Yugi turns a corner and he crashes into a door. Yugi takes a step back and curses at himself.

Once he regains he balance, Yugi examines the door. It's a big red door, nothing fancy. On the door, the sixteen-year-old can make out one word etched into the solid oak.


Maybe I can find a phone and call Anzu or Jonouchi? Yugi thinks to himself as he reaches his hand out. Yugi squeezes the cold metal handle and twists it. He pushes the door open.

Yugi peers into the somewhat messy room. "Hello?" the boy calls. No answer.

"Anybody there?" Yugi asks as he slowly steps inside.

Yugi circles around the room, curious. He sees lots of cabinets. Stacks of paper pool around the dark wood desk in the middle of the room. Yugi's hands trace the cushioned rolling chair as he walks over to the large window behind it.

Yugi's hands press firmly against the glass. The duelist lightly presses his nose to the window as he looks over the city in awe. He breathes heavily in excitement, the glass near his mouth fogging up.

Plop! Yugi quickly turns his head around as he makes note of the long coat that fell from the velvet chair.

Yugi walks over to the coat and picks it up. He holds it up in front of him. It's big, he thinks, It must be Seto's.

The long coat is white with black trimming on it. It's hard to admit that Yugi is jealous of Seto's fashion sense, but he is. He loves how the coat perfectly fits on his classmate, not to mention it makes him look older and badass.

The king of games is tired of being called cute or dork or baby panda. He wants to be cool. He wants to be badass. He wants to be amazing. He wants to be Seto.

Yugi scrambles to take off his school jacket and tosses it to the side. As Yugi struggles to slip the long coat on, a certain spirit once again connects the mind link between the two duelist champions.

'Yugi, what are you doing?' Yami asks, a hint of amusement stitched in his voice as he emphasises every word leaving his tongue.

"Gah!" Yugi, caught by surprise by the sudden awakening of the pharaoh, slips on the coattail and falls on the ground with thud.

Yugi, rubbing the side of his bottom, replies, 'Pharaoh, you scared me!'

Yami crosses his arms and smirks in the Millennium Puzzle, the home to his spirit. 'You didn't answer my question, aibou.'

'Sh-shut up, pharaoh. I'm not doing anything. I'm just trying to find Jonouchi.' Yugi hesitates with his words, and the pharaoh takes note of this.

The young Moto scrambles to his feet, examining the coat on his back. He looks in the nearby wall mirror. If only I were taller, he thinks as he lifts up his arms, showing how long the sleeves are. The coattail trails on the carpeted floor as he walks over to the cushioned chair. He hears Yami snicker through the mind link. Yugi smiles too. He's never heard the pharaoh laugh out of pure joy.

He's never witnessed the pharaoh laugh, ever.

Yugi plumps into the chair with a grunt. His short legs dangle off the left arm of the chair, his head slightly leans off the right. He smirks.

Yugi clears his throat.

"I, Seto Kaiba, am going to host a Duelist Tournament, all while acting like a huge asshole."

Guess the amazing Seto Kaiba isn't that amazing after all.

"Screw the rules, I have money! Exodia!! It's not possible, no one's ever been able to summon him!!" Yugi yells as he clenches his fists and raises his back and head slightly off the chair, most of his weight transferring to his legs. Yugi continues his shenanigans with a spot-on Seto Kaiba impersonation.

"Because I am a jerk and I don't care about anyone, I'm going to blow up an island without any emotion whatsoever." Yugi cackles.

Step, step, step.

"-and further more, on behalf of me, I am going to take all the gold in the world and use it to create statutes in my honor."


"Really? I just won the Duelists' World Champion? Well, I'd like to thank me, myself, and I! Everyone else, you suck," Yugi says, pumping his fists into the air.


Yugi swivels the chair around so he's facing the window.

"It's me, Seto Kaiba! My mansion isn't nearly even a third the size of my ego, and I don't give a crap about my little-"


Yugi purses his lips together.

He turns around.

"-brother," Yugi finishes, a nervous smile plastered onto his face as he stares directly into the eyes of a pissed off Seto Kaiba.

"H-hey..." Yugi waves his trembling hand. Seto's stone cold face remains.

"So... How are you?" Yugi asks as he folds his hands and places his elbows on the table, his chin resting on his hands.

Seto turns around, not saying a word. He walks to the doorway, then stops.

"By the way, my jacket looks absolutely adorable on you," Seto says, smirking at his comment. He steps out and shuts the door.

Seto blinks. "And three, two, one...."


Seto laughs at Yugi's late reaction.

"Oh, Yugi," he mutters.

Seto walks down the hallway, knowing very well he will later come back to his office only to see his jacket strewn about the table.

Simple as That. (A collection of short stories by MinePeggy)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora