Transported: The Mysterious Weapon

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Peggy sprawls out on the couch, exhausted from today's mission in Minecraftia. She and the team had to battle a hellhound that was threatening to destroy a city.

There's been so many creatures trying to destroy cities lately, she thinks, I wonder why?

"Peggy, get up!" An annoyed Sarah drags her friend off the couch, and Peggy falls to the floor with a thud. Peggy sits up, rubbing her head. "What was that for?" she yells.

"Stampy and I found something amazing! You have to check it out!" Sarah says as she grabs Peggy's hand and drags her out of the house.

Peggy trudges behind Sarah in the forest, fatigue covering her face. Sarah leads Peggy to a cave, hidden by trees thirsty for water in the hot summer day.

Sarah shoves Peggy into the cave. "Go inside," she orders. Peggy peers at her friend. "What about you and Stampy?" she asks suspiciously. Sarah rolls her eyes. "Don't worry about us. Just go in."

Peggy reluctantly walks further into the cave. The cave was dark and damp, water dripping from old crystals. Peggy walks up to a couple of rocks sitting next to each other to form an imperfect staircase.

Peggy goes up the stairs and drags her tired feet to the next area of the cave. She covers her face from the shining light. A light that comes from the only thing in the cave besides its natural inhabitants.

A long trident lays on the ground, as if it was thrown carelessly and rested here for hundreds of years. The weapon glows, and it's light dancing across the walls, revealing some cave paintings.

Peggy touches the gold handle, and picks it up. She examines the trident. I wonder who this belongs to? she thinks as she thrusts the weapon forward, practicing her skills with it.

Peggy sprints put of the cave, only to find Sarah has left. Peggy scowls.

After wandering around the woods for hours, the exhausted half-skeleton plops down on the grass, clutching the trident tightly in her hand.

I shouldn't have been half asleep when Sarah led me here, she scolds herself.

Oh, well, I better keep walking. She stands up, and cringes at the loud growl made from her stomach. I wish I had food.

By the next morning, Peggy finds the house the Chosen Ones share. She trudges into the house, slamming the door behind her. "I just want to sleep," she complains to herself.

Squid walks into the living room. "Hey, Peggy." He points to the trident. "What's that?"

"You tell me." She tosses the trident to Squid, and he catches it without hesitation. He examines the weapon.

He shrugs. "It's cool," he simply states. "Wait a minute," he continues. The trident begins to shake. "I feel it moving in my hands, without my doing anything."

"What? Give it here." Squid obeys and gives Peggy the trident. Sure enough she feels it move on its own. Squid hovers over her shoulder. "Where'd you find it?" he asks.

"Sarah dragged me to a cave. That's where it was. She said her and Stamps found it," Peggy
explains. "Where's everyone else?"

"Completing a mission," Squid says. "Without us?" "Yeah, you weren't here and I had to meet with the Order of the Block."

"Why?" Peggy asks, cocking her head to the side. "They gave me a mission to do on my own." Peggy nods.

"So what should we do with it?" Peggy says, gesturing towards the trident in her hands.

Simple as That. (A collection of short stories by MinePeggy)Where stories live. Discover now