Evil Monsters with Elastic Hearts (a Rin and Len songfic mashup)

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Elastic Heart by Sia
Lyrics: http://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/sia/elasticheart.html

Monster by Meg and Dia
Lyrics: http://www.azlyrics.com/m/megdia.html

Servant of Evil (dubbed) by Len Kagamine
Lyrics: http://fionnaandcake123.deviantart.com/journal/Servant-of-evil-lyrics-339939302


How should I feel?
Creatures lie here
Looking through the window.

Rin looks out the window, at the gallows. She tugs at the oversized jacket draped around her frail body.

She realises the consequences of her actions; her poor brother. He had to kill his own love for Rin, who selfishly demanded he do so without a seconds hesitation, and he did, starting the entire conflict, but it was her being crowned as queen which started every disaster standing before her.

How should she feel about this? Rin has no idea.

Should she be angry at herself for letting him escape the clutches of life?

Should she be overly depressed about Len escaping the clutches of life?

She thinks she's a monster.

She remembers Len telling her the following sweet words when they were reunited after years of being torn apart:

"O my Queen, you have me as your faithful servant alone.
We were twins, torn apart when our fates should have shone."

She frowns at those words; how could Len think that he had to eagerly wait for her every command?

Oh, yeah. She's the queen.

Rin took advantage of his words. She ordered him around, making him do whatever fit.

They can swear you their enemy, or curse all they want.
They can brandish their swords, and be on the hunt.
Never fear, never cry, I will always be near.
Let not your smile, my sun, turn into icy tears.

Rin also remembered Len speaking these words at some point, though she doesn't recall when; she was probably too busy drinking tea and nibbling on mini cakes to pay too much attention.

Well I've got thick skin and an elastic heart.

Rin has only shed a single tear since her brother was executed. He took what was supposed to be her place and her fate.

But your blade it might be too sharp.

This catastrophe has punctured her heart. At that moment, Rin covers her mouth with her hand, a sign that she's about ready to sob.

And sob she does.

Their words tattooed in his veins, yeah!

She recalls the words her brother said to her when he swiftly handed her his jacket, tattooed in her heart.

"Here are my spare clothes, now wear these and run."

Rin walks out of the small house her brother used to live in before taking cover in the castle with her.

"Don't turn back, don't stop, don't talk to anyone."

With a basket of apples in one hand and her other hands clutching the coat, Rin runs. She runs. She runs out of town, not even glancing back towards the place she grew up in, not even acknowledging villagers who were calling out for "Len."

"Don't you worry we look the same in every way."

Rin and Len are twins. Practically identical.

"No one would ever notice that you got away."

No one will suspect a thing. Rin has become an escapee.

Wait. Rin does look back.

Right before leaving the town forever, Rin looks back. She takes off the coat and whispers the very last words of Len Kagamine.

"Somehow in our next life, if we ever meet again, let us play together once more, and be the best of friends."

Rin turns around and races down the dirt path leading into a forest, eventually to the next town. It's not over, and it won't ever be.

Len's coat collects dirt from where it had been dropped delicately on the ground.

I've got an elastic heart.

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