Going into Hiding (Hermione's POV)

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This is my first chronicles of Narnia fan fiction. I didn't read the last two books the silver chair and the last battle. Please feel free to be a critic and corrected me. If U guys want to ask any questions Private message me. Anyone who wanted Susan and Prince Caspian to get together will be pleased to read this book. If you haven't read harry potter you would be confused. I'm using parts of the movie and book The dress Hermione wore is on the side, and her other outfit is on the external link.


Hermione's Point Of View

"No Dumbledore you can't do this!!!!!" I scream. Dumbledore wants me to go to his friend's (Prof.Kirke's) house. "I need to help Harry and we just started our sixth year" I say outraged. "Hermione first of all the Death Eaters will track your parents down by your magic. Secondly you are so close to Harry you are basically his sister and you are a muggle born. Hermione if you go you would also make sure Harry is a little safe" Dumbledore tries to persuade "Oh fine but I'm only doing this for Harry" I sigh . Harry was an older overprotective brother I never had. Dumbledore's eyes sparkled with tears. Why does it sparkle with tears you ask? Well Dumbledore was just thinking he had never seen a friendship so strong and close. Hermione, Ron and Harry will all die for each other: he'd only seen this kind of bond between the marauders. When he thought this it reminded him how James, Lily, and Sirus were dead. Oh James and Sirus who used to call me Albus not even caring that I was headmaster.

Professor I shall leave now I say walking out the door. I apparated on the spot to Professor Kirke's house. How dare he tell me that? I just came back from professor Slughorn's slug club dinner. I couldn't even pack my stuff. Dumbledore told me Kirke will get my stuff with magic.

"Alohamora" I say opening the locked door to the long mansion. I usually didn't do this but I was beyond furious. I walked through the halls to the dining room. I've been here before me and professor Kirke get along so well. I barge in to see professor Kirke had four guests over. "Hermione , Albus informed me you would be coming" Professor Kirke with a huge smile since he had company he could actually talk to. "Diggory (the first name of Kirke) are these people like us or are they muggles" I ask not even acknowledging them. "Anyways Dumbledore told me you would have my trunk and stuff" "Yes it is. You are sharing a room with these young ladies for your own safety" he replies. "Come on I take the necessary precautions" I say while walking away then I realized I didn't know where the room was but before I could ask professor Kirke shouted "The usual room Hermione".

When I entered into the room my stuff was there. Diggory was also a powerful wizard. I set everything on my vanity or wardrobe and kept my hogwarts material in my trunk. Unfortunately, I only had the hogwarts clothes and robes in my trunk. I decided to put on the clothes and leave out the robes. But something to be fortunate about was that my muggle money and wizarding money was there. My parents and me decided to move to Canada in my third year. So I'm pretty much turned different. I lost my accent and my british sense of fashion and taste. I LOVE IT THERE but I do miss England, and now I'm here.

I put on a white button up shirt with the Gryffindor emblem on it, along with a black skirt. I put on a Gryffindor bow, headband, necklace and earrings. The only thing that wasn't Gryffindor was my black sandals. I also wore VERY little makeup.

I let out a huge huff of air. How could I've been so horrible to those muggles out there? I felt down right guilty and felt as if I should apologize. I left the room and made my way to the dining hall but not before getting my wand. The weird thing was the muggles are going to think I'm clutching on to a wooden stick.

I gain posture and walked into the room. As soon as I was in the room all eyes were on me. "Look everyone I'm sorry about the entrance and the horrible attitude. It's just that I'm stressed" I apologize while running my hand through my hair. "Hermione I've missed you so much. Eat dinner it's getting cold. I know they're not as good as the ones at Hogwarts"Diggory said.

I scan the room but not help but notice that there was a cute boy sitting there. I just hope he doesn't see me staring. But what I didn't know was he was staring at me. "Professor may I ask who your guests are?" I ask genuinely curious. "Oh dear I am terribly sorry. I forgot to introduce my house guests" he says. "These are the Pevensie children. They've been sent here to avoid the mysterious, sudden deaths and building collapses" he gave me a knowing look. I nodded to tell him to continue and so he did "the oldest Peter Pevensie" the cute one. He gave me a formal nod and I returned it with a my number one breath-taking smile. "Then Susan Pevensie" I shook her hand politely across the table, she seems nice. "The middle child Edmund Pevensie" "Hello" was all Edmund said which earned him a smile from me. Hmmm....... Edmund seems like Ron when he's angry at one or more of his six siblings. "Finally, the last child Lucy Pevensie" I was stunned about how she looked like me when I was small, I had to do was replace her blond hair with brown ones. But I'm certain she'll look nothing like me when she's older. My cousin looked like the Indian actress Kajal Agrawal when she was younger but now she looks nothing like her. Out of everyone I decided to make a conversation with Lucy. Many of you would ask Why would you make a conversation with Lucy when you can start a conversation with professor Kirke? Well the answer is simple: The middle child (Edmund) would always get less attention but the youngest would always be misunderstood and people would believe them less than the other siblings.

"Lucy. where are you from?" I ask disregarding all the bewildered stares and my dinner. "I'm from London" She said nervously. "Sweety, you don't need to be scared of me. Think of me like a cousin, sister or a friend" I say softly. I've been known for being good with children. I may not have any siblings but I do have sooo many younger cousins. "Anyways I'm from London too".Lucy looked less nervoused and more happy. I guess she doesn't have many people to talk to. "Why do you have a stick in your hand" she asked me pointing to my wand. " why of course, to ward away the Big Bad Wolf"I say while picking up Lucy much to her suprise. "Do you want to play a special game called Exploding Snap" She nodded her head excitedly. I caught Professor Kirke's accusing (playful) stare. "What it''s just Exploding Snap. I can handle it and they can't track me down cause of it" I say defensively while walking to our room while still holding Lucy.


Hey guys can you please comment on how I'm doing. And go click on that vote button like the world's going to end. Next chapter is going to be in Peter Pevesie's Point of View.

Thanks my lovely readers =D

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