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A/N: I'm really sorry about the wait for this chapter, I was NOT expecting so much homework on the first week back. I'll try not to take so long next time. Anyways, here's the chapter.


The moment that the door shut behind my sister, I felt horrible. I tried to run after her, but she seemed to have disappeared. Instead, I just sat on my bed, unmoving, for the rest of the day.

Thomas came in at around 8 pm, with a cheese sandwich for me. I took it gratefully from him, touched that he'd thought of bringing me one of my favourite foods.

"Thanks," I mumbled, taking a bite.

"Look, Newt," Thomas began. "I'm really sorry-"

"About what?" I cut him off. I didn't know what he had to be sorry about.

"I left you when we got to the food hall. That's what I'm sorry about."

I blinked. I'd almost forgotten about what had happened the day before, my mind had been so preoccupied with my sister.

"Oh. That," I said. "It's OK. If you hadn't left me, I wouldn't have gone back to my room, and wouldn't have seen my sister."

Thomas opened his mouth to say something, but then closed it.

"What?" I asked, not liking to be kept hanging.

"You left out meeting with Minho."

I shrugged. "Didn't seem important."

I took another bite from my sandwich, and started on the crust.

"Well I hoped you liked him, Newt, because he's your new roommate," Thomas said with a smile.

Minho... as my roommate? He seemed like a nice guy, and I was sure that I would warm up to him soon enough, but for the moment, I couldn't see myself with him.

But "Does he know I'm not immune?" was all I asked.

"No. I think it's your choice on who you want to tell, as long as the flare isn't affecting you," Thomas explained.

That was good. I didn't think Minho was the type of guy who would like sleeping next to a crank. But then again, who was? Apart from my sister. She seemed completely fine with it. Unfortunately, I had made her leave, and I didn't know when would be the next time I saw her, if ever.

Thomas stood up, beckoning me to do the same. I did, then followed him out of the room. He led me through some corridors and up some stairs, until we reached a hallway that seemed more... personalised.

"So this is where everyone in Group A is staying," Thomas explained.

I ran my hand along a poster of some celebrity, slightly in shock. The WICKED factory was so neat, so tidy, so uniform, I didn't think that all this warmth would be allowed.

Suddenly a door at the end of the corridor opened, and the boy with dark hair from yesterday stormed out, his face angry. Thomas stepped forwards, his hands out.

"Gally," he began, but the boy, Gally, cut him off.

"Don't bother," he said, his voice stony. "I don't care if you kick me out of my own room so that some new guy can move in."

"Gally," Thomas repeated.

"No! Save your breath!  I don't care! I don't fucking CARE!"

Thomas opened his mouth, then hastily closed it again. My guess was that he wasn't used to people swearing at him. I didn't blame him either, he was barely seven, the poor guy.

I sighed, then pushed past Gally. I wasn't in the mood for his antics, and just wanted to go to bed. I wasn't sure why, but thinking had really exhausted me today.

I walked into the room, and saw Minho lying on the bottom bunk of the bed, arms behind his head. He was wearing headphones, and I could hear a faint buzzing sound coming from them. He glanced at me, then went back to his music.

I sat down in the armchair, not sure what to do with myself before bed. I realised that I had forgotten my toothbrush in my room, and was debating on whether or not to ask Minho for his, but Thomas saved me. He handed me a bag of toiletries, and I noticed that he looked slightly crestfallen. I asked him what was wrong, but he just walked out with a "see you tomorrow."

I sighed. "Home sweet home."

I brushed my teeth, and climbed into bed. I decided I would talk to Minho properly in the morning, try to get to know him better. But for the moment, I just wanted to sleep. So I did.


A/N: Sorry that it's a short chapter, and more of a filler than anything else. Some stuff WILL happen soon, I just need to get friendships and things sorted out first. Again, I'm really sorry for the wait, and byeeeeee!!

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