"Oh my honest bestie, if that's the case don't give him his routine, you know it will be kinda revenge." Linn said after thinking for a moment.

"Oh yeah! What a brilliant idea. That way I will lose my scholarship too."I squealed.

"Its because of your scholarship. You can't blame my idea." Linn said still full of herself.God!

"Okay.Search that asshole while you can.I will wait for you at parking area.Take your time"Linn added and left.

I searched him at library, canteen, garden, football ground, staff room and where not.

Not male's washroom.Mind that!

Giving up I headed towards parking area.

OH THERE HE IS !! How am I going to start ? Oh god! He is turning towards me. Shit!! He caught me.

Fine! Don't panic Evelyn I scolded myself. Making a mental note of ignoring whatever he says and give him his routine no matter what I walked towards him looking directly into eyes.

Soon it was like staring competition, no one of us was even blinking.

I blinked rapidly after few seconds. Who plays staring competition in this kind of situation.Really?

I am not even GOOD in this kind of small competition.(*sigh*)

Oh!I hadn't noticed.He has a nice physique, height and face. Evelyn! Are you checking out the asshole. Obviously not.He will always be asshole for me.Not more than that.

I started to talk as soon as I was close enough for him to listen.


But the asshole interrupted"Are you following me?"

Ignoring him I again started"Here is your..

But the asshole interrupted again"Look at you.Do you think I will fall for you?"

Fine! I know I am not good looking. I ignored him and started again "Here is your routine....

But the asshole interrupted again
"Wrong number babe.I am not like other boys you sleep with"

Okay! That's enough.

"Don't you want to be father in future, huh?" I said with utmost calmness I could manage.

He seemed confused. But not waiting for his answer I folded my right leg, lifted and kicked his private part.

"Owww.." asshole's voice echoed the parking area. He was crumpling with pain.Serves right!

I threw the routine on his face and shouted "For the sake of your nuts, think hard before you speak to me.Ever again."

Laughter erupted from backside. I quickly turned to see Linn ,Kemp and Dylon laughing and clutching their stomach.

"What's so funny huh?" I shouted looking at them with murderous look one after another.

That stopped them for sometime.
But all of them started to laugh again.

Giving damn to Kemp and Dylon I asked Linn "Are you coming?I will be going."

Not waiting for her answer I left them.I could hear Linn saying wait up.But I didn't stop.What does he think of himself? How dare he?

Fucking asshole.

The drive till my house was silent.Thanks to Linn,she knows when to leave me alone.She knows very well that I don't want to speak when I am angry.

"Thanks Linn " I said as soon as we reached home.

"Calm down Evy.By the way the kick was tremendous."Linn replied grinning.

"Take care.I will pick you up tommorrow."Linn added.

I nodded not wanting to speak any further.


I want pizza and ice-cream so badly after this long awkward, hectic and embarrassing day.

But I am in pajamas.Who cares!
Pajamas are comfortable rather than embarrassing.

The cool breeze was helping me alot to relax.My house was located at the end of this area.Little peace is good for health ,you know? It takes exactly ten minutes to be out from the peace.

I ordered pizza and coke in the Friends cafe opposite of a huge house where nobody live.I wonder why is that. I always used to think this since we shifted here six months back. People say it belongs to great industrialist.

Whatever! Why am I thinking about the house when my love my pizza is infront of me.

The waiter gave displeased look along with my pizza.Maybe its because of my pajamas. I ate pizza along with my temper.It really did help.

I went to nearby grocery to buy some junk.Sorry mom!

Taking a bag full of junk I went back to my home sweet home being happy like two- year- old baby.

I really think sometimes there is some relation between food and me.Maybe affair.

Beep Beep..my phone buzzed in my pocket.I ignored it knowing its from Kathryn .She might be at home.Anyway,I am five minutes away from my house.

My phone beeped strangely all the way to my house.I reached my house to see Kathryn was not there.That means?

I checked my phone..
29 missed calls..
102 messages..



Short one.
How is it guys??
Please don't give up on my story.
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Lots of love.

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