Chapter 20

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I'm in the hospital 2 weeks and I have seen Jade and Charlie,they are perfectly feeling same with me,but Leo still didn't woke up and that worries me.A lot.
"Ariana!"Jade came running in my room
"Yes,what's wrong?"I asked
"L-Leo woke up!"she said
"REALLY!"I said exciting
"Yes his mum,brother and sister are now with him."she said
"Oh my God!I can't believe I'm so happy!"I said happily
"Common let's go to see him!"I said and Jade helped me to get up
We were walking to second floor and when we got in front of his room his mum,brother and sister started opening the door.
"Oh,hi Ariana!"they said
"Hii!"I said
"So how is he?"I asked
"He's good but all morning he's asking for you."she said
"Okay then I guess we'll see."I said
"Yes,we will!Bye darling!"she said and they left
Jade sitted on a chair in front of his room and I started going inside
"Leo!"I said
"Ariana!Are you okay?"he asked me
"Yeah I'm okay!Are you?"I asked him and hugged him
"I'm fine.I missed you."he said
"I missed you too!I love you Leo."I said
"I love you too baby girl."he said
He kissed me and I kissed him back but he quickly pulls away and I asked him "Are you okay?"
"I-I'm not..."he said coughing
I could tell he wasn't feeling good cause he was pale and his ribs started hurting him really bad and he started whimpering in pain a little.
"I'm going to get you some water."I said and started going out of the room
Jade wasn't here,she probably left somewhere with Charlie.
But that doesn't matter right now.
When I came in his room with water I couldn't believe what's happening.
I couldn't hear bip bip anymore it stopped,his heart stopped beating.
I run out of his room and started yelling "Please!I need a doctor!"
Doctor came into his room and they quickly took him into the room for surgery.
I didn't know what to do I just started crying and I couldn't stop.
After a while I sat down on the chair in the waiting room and all I could do is wait.

I Still Love You//Sequel of Forever In Love//Where stories live. Discover now