Chapter 4

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So we are at airport and I don't know why.
Jade only told me that today I'm going to meet again ours good friends,but because of the car crush I actually don't know who are those friends when I'll see them today.
"Ohh common,when will their plane arrive Jade?"I asked her
"10 minutes I think."she said
"Ahhh I can't wait anymore!I'm going outside for some fresh air."I said and started going outside
"O-okay."Jade said quickly and really quite
Ahh I can't believe how I can't remember Leo!
Cause all what Jade could tell me she did and all I know about him is that that he's my ex and he's probably really important in my life.
As I was thinking I saw a little group of girls coming in the airport with red white shirts on what was written Bars And Melody.
I think they are Leo's and Charlie's fans.
I was little bit looking at them until Jade didn't came up to me and said that their plane is here.
"Let's go in!They are here!"Jade said and started running in the airport I was all the time behind her
"Okay,okay we are in!"I yelled a little bit
"Omggg!"I heard those girls saying and saw them running up to two beautiful guys,Leo and Charlie
I saw them hugging their fans tightly and suddenly as I was watching them I saw that the Leo I think saw me and started going up to me.
I didn't know what to do.
I was just standing there like some weirdo.
When he came to me he hugged me so tightly that I couldn't breath,but in some way I felt loved.
"I can't believe!You haven't even changed a little!You look as beautiful as I remember Ariana!"he said happily
I didn't know what to say or do so I just shyly said "Hi,Leo."
" do remember me?"he asked
"I'm sorry I don't.I only can remember your name.It's nice."I said
"Oh okay!Thank you and you don't need to apologize."he said
"Hey!Ariana how ya doing?"Charlie asked me I think
"Hi....Charlie I'm good and how about you?"I asked
"Yup I'm good!So do you like Atlanta?"he asked
"Yes of course!This is now my home."I said happily
"So do you and Jade wanna show us Atlanta?I mean we have free time don't we Leo?"he said
"Yup we do!The concert will be in 3 days so we have a lot of free time."Leo said
"What do you think girls?"Charlie asked
"Why not.We'll show you the best side of Atlanta!"Jade said and all of us started laughing
"But first we need to talk."Charlie grabbed Jade's hand and they were gone somewhere where they can talk in private and left me with Leo
We started going outside and we sited on a bench and we were quite until I asked him something "Leo how did we feel in love?"

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