Chapter 17

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After Mike and I had our little talk, our conversation became lighter. Even though we spoke of our past and our time in the Facility, we never once became sour of our lives. If you wanted to remember the good times, sometimes you just have to ignore the dark to see the stars. And that's what we did. Though I admit there weren't many good times to remember, only little had to do with each other and even less on our own. Never the less they are there.

"There aren't many good memories." I say after a while.

"We just have to make some then." Mike smiles at the scene before him. Mike watches the Ocean and our companions attempting to surf. I also watch the sun glitter in the waves and hear the laughter of the others.

Mike speaks suddenly, "We could make a list of ideas she could do and then we do it and we make memories." His voice held childlike excitement.

"I think they call those bucket lists." I reply.

Mike plays with the sand, frowning. "That's a weird thing to call it. Humans." He huffs.

I smile at his reaction. I find it quite interesting that you call it a bucket list. I mean you could cut up all of the ideas, one each on a piece of paper and put it in a bucket. And you take one out blindly and it's per chance. I think it could be that how they did it. A way to be spontaneous.

"Will this be one? A memory I mean." I nod my head to the direction of our splashing friends. "Because it doesn't matter how pretty or how much others are enjoying the time, it has to be you who feels it. You have to feel the moment to remember it." I am never one too think of things like that but I have learned some things in freedom.

"Are you feeling the moment?" His voice is low and thoughtful. I hesitate before I answer, "I don't know. It just somehow doesn't feel real. Ever since I left the Facility I feel as if my life wasn't real. I felt like I would wake up any moment and the hard truth of it just being a dream, maybe even a nightmare. And break my heart once more." I confess, I almost regret saying so much.

"Are you calling me a nightmare?" he faked hurt as he tilts his head slightly in my direction.

"You know you are a nightmare." I assured him. I stretch my pale legs out from beneath me and bury my feet into the sand.

A heavy silence fills the air between us before Mike worried.

"Jade, you know this is real." His voice had a hint of concern.

"I do, but the fear still lingers."

Mike takes a lighter tone this time when he speaks, "I will remember this. Not because of your pessimistic thoughts," Mike admits sarcastically, "but because I realized something today."

"What? Don't tell me you just realized after spending time alone with Joshua that you fell in love with him because of his charms. Don't get me wrong, but I don't think he's on that team." I joke lightly just to ruin his attempt of creating a special moment.

Mike gaps in mockery at my observation. "There goes my dreams for the future then." He sighs before he winks at me. "But there is still hope, there's Yakov."

I look at him aghast for a moment. Then snickered as I tried to imagine it. Mike continues as I laugh quietly.

"No, I will remember this moment because I realized that you are my best friend, and I care about you. A lot." I barely heard him, but I did hear him. I instantly stopped laughing and stared at his turned head, still staring out into the blue waters.

"Took you long enough." I responded my voice hinted humor but my face stayed impassive.

"Don't ruin the moment." Mike boasted, but thankfully not too loudly.

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