Chapter 7:

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The binds are gone and I'm in a different room than before and I'm wearing something entirely different.

I stare at the opposite wall trying to rid of the horrible images of the pain of the procedure. I rub my hand over the thick bandage covering my forearm. My short sleeved suit leaving it exposed.

The door opens and the robotic voice interrupts my thoughts.

"962 you may proceed to the hallway and ready for departure."

Departure? What for? I stand from my sitting position and make my way out of the chamber. Are they going to kill me now? Lock me up for punishment somewhere else?

My senses are on high alert as I make my way to a chamber I have never seen before. Once I entered the room I almost stopped but kept walking forward until I was in the middle of the big hall like room surrounded my Watchers and Automations. Though that wasn't what stopped me, what did was the man standing before me. At least I think it was a man. Wearing a full body armored suit with a helmet covering his head and face. Who is this man? Is this an execution for my failed attempt to escape?

Next to him is another man much smaller and less muscular than the man in the armor. I have never seen him before but I can tell by his suit that he is an important part of this prison. I can't help but hate him. I can barely keep the sneer off of my face and by the looks of it he doesn't seem too pleased to see me either. I guess that's one thing we have I common.

"962 you have been purchased and are ready to departure with your new owner." He pauses and gives the tall man a sideways glance. "Lord Oskana has decided of you being a worthy apprentice and protector even due to your," Again he pauses and doesn't hide the sneer in his voice as he speaks. "failed attempt of rebellion." The way he said that was as if he was rubbing in that it indeed had been a failed attempt. I think I know that and the last day or more had made if awfully clear. My mind still felt numb from the torture.

I remain in my stiff and businesslike posture, my hands behind my back and my legs shoulder wide, chin held high. Scarily similar to the mans posture before me, my new master. I feel uneasy not being able to see his face and I would like to know what he is thinking or at least know of his expression. Maybe that is why he wears the helmet, so he could use as much facial expression as he pleases without having to worry of what he might be portraying.

"The mark on your arm is a symbol of the Facility. A reminder of you duty and your purpose." In other words it's a reminder of what we are, slaves, war slaves. I haven't seen the mark yet and I don't think I really want to, but I know I will have to at one point. I'm aware of my expression darkening and quickly regain my business expression. I nod at the man to show that I appreciate being bought. Which I do, it means leaving this place and finally being free.

Lord Oskana turns to the man and nods to show that this discussion is over and before he turns to leave he makes a hand movement indicating for me to follow. I do. I almost grimace because of the pain, I still haven't recovered properly.

We walk through another unfamiliar hall to another unfamiliar door and I stare in awe at the huge plane and helicopter filled room. I had never actually seen any thing like this in real life. How big is this place? There seems to be so much here I don't know about. That worries me. What is there is an entirely different Praiser group cut off from us. There could be more of us and we wouldn't know it.

I board the plane with Lord Oskana and take my seat hesitantly, not sure how to act. As the plane speeds towards the big exit filled with bright daylight. Daylight which I also haven't seen in real life before. I try with as much dignity as I can manage to look out of the out the plane window without pressing my whole face against it. The light creeps closer and closer and I ready myself for the impact of wonder. Instead it was blindness. As soon as we flew out of the dark tunnel the white light took over me vision stinging my eyes. I jump back and rub my eyes from the stinging pain in my head. I swear I heard a low chuckle coming from opposite me but I dismiss it instantly and I pry open my eyes once more. As the vision clears I stare at everything around me with new light. Literally. I stare out of the decent sized window next to me and see desert. I have no idea which one, but when I look back from the way we flew from I only see the desert. Where did we come from? Where we too fast of did we come from underground? I finally give up and I rip my gaze from the scenery to the dark figure opposite me. I tilt my head to the side slightly in curiosity. His posture was still as stiff as it was before and his covered face was facing in my direction. Inspecting me as I was having my little moment.

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