Chapter 16:

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Ewan left me after our little talk, saying he wanted to take a look around the small town. He wanted me to join him, saying it's better than cooping up in this room. I declined though, I didn't feel like talking with anyone at the moment, not even Ewan.

He only left about 30 minutes ago and I couldn't stand to stay in this room anymore. I peek into the rooms as I walk past, but no one seemed to be inside. voices could be heard from outside and I went to take a look.

I hear giggles and chatter from the porch, feminine mostly. I walk out to find Gloria and Grace sitting on garden chairs next to each other in bathing suits.

"Are going swimming?" I eye the scissors and combs on the ground. The sound of the screen opening and closing sounds behind me.

"We can do that later, not now, it's shark hour." Ora replies while carrying a box of different coloured bottles and drops them next to Grace's chair.

"Shark hour?" I do hope that is some kind of code word for something.

"Yeah, It's still before nine in the morning, that means it's feeding time for the sharks. It's early morning and evening." Ora grabs Gloria long, blonde hair and fiddles with it. "We never go into the ocean before ten in the morning just to make sure, we learned that the hard way."

I couldn't imagine Ora underwater and being attacked by a shark and she pulling out a knife and stabbing it multiple times. I couldn't even imagine myself doing that. I wasn't trained to fight sharks underwater, everything else, but not sharks.

Ora pulled Gloria's hair into a lose pony and grabs the suisors from the wooden floor.

"Hey wait, what are you doing?" I question her frankticly and I walk in front of them so they can see me clearly. "Gloria, do you know what she's doing?" I hope she knows Ora was about to cut her hair she was so proud of.

"Yeah, she's giving me a makeover." Gloria jumps up and down on her chair. Grace nods quickly beside her. I look at Grace, "You too?"

She looks at me horrified, "Gosh no, I would never let her cut my hair."

"Then why are you sitting there like Gloria?" This girl really annoys me without trying.

"She's showing us the shampoos as well." Grace squeels in delight and I recoil from the sound. I don't know what she means by that. Is she going to wash their hair as well? Doesn't seem very logical to me though.

"Jade, do you want me to do something to you hair too." Ora asks me thankfully not as exited as Gloria and Grace. More collected but still cheerful.

I retreat down the porch stairs, "I'll see how Gloria's goes."

Gloria frowns at me trying to figure out what I meant by that. I know what I meant by that. If it went horribly wrong for Gloria and hopefully Grace then I would definitely will not want her touching my hair. I'm not being vain or caring much for my looks but I am not in the mood to walk around with a horribly bad cut.

"Good luck." I leave them with that and walk around to the back of the house.

I expected Mike and Ewan to be out probably killing a tree or sparing. Something to get their energy out. We aren't used to lay low for this long and not do anything. I reach the back garden filled with many outside furniture and an unlit fire place in the middle. The trees have fairy lights in them, unlit. On one of the couches is Lord Oskana, I mean Yakov. I remember him asking me to call him that instead.

"Yakov." I call out softly to him and he turns around to meet my gaze. His serious look turn into a smile. I stand in front of him not taking the seat next to him without his permission. "Where are the others?"

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