Chapter 4: Moving Forward

Start from the beginning

Egypt couldn't say no to this offer either. She decided it was time to let Prince lead the way for after all. He's not always wrong. 'Close your eyes and dream.' Prince whispered. Egypt fixed her lips to reply to him; but Prince wasn't going to allow this. He placed his plump lips upon Egypt's mouth, making sure not a word was said. 'Dream....just dream.' Prince whispered. Egypt didn't think the moment could get anymore surreal. Prince began singing to her in the most raspy of voices. She loved to hear him sing. She didn't always get to hear him sing; but when she did it was like eating your grandma's famous cherry pie. 'He sings so beautifully.' She thought to herself. Prince had forbid her from speaking in the bath. It was kind of sexy though, she kind of enjoyed it when Prince was furious at her. The way he slammed her fragile body to the ground. It left many bruises; but somehow she wanted more. 

Prince doesn't seem to comment on the bruises he created on her bod instead he held Egypt a little tighter each second. She knew she couldn't let this behavior go on if they were going to have any kind of relationship. Egypt had a lot on her mind. She shifted her body away from Prince's. She held her head low and spoke in such a cautious manner. 'We need to talk...about the other night.' Prince's eyes began to fill with tears. He couldn't bear the thought of hurting Egypt and the fact he did really left his conscience feeling heavy. As Egypt went on, Prince began shaking his head in a very guiltful way. 'I'm sorry, Egypt, baby, I'm so sorry I ever did that to you. It's not me, it's not my fault. I just get a little crazy sometimes.' Egypt hadn't stopped though, she kept with her speech. Prince couldn't handle it. He really couldn't. He looked up at Egypt in disgust and plunged at her gripping upon her neck. 'Egypt, Please stop making me out to be a fucking monster!' Prince shouted. Prince's grip intensified upon her neck. Egypt began gasping for air. She gripped Prince's fingertips and bent them forward forcing him to let go. Egypt grasped her throat for dear life. It was throbbing in pain. She gazed at Prince with tearful eyes. Prince was astonished that he even hurt her the first time. All Egypt could do was sit and glare at him. The man she adored. The man she loved was hurting her and there was nothing she could do. 'Why did you do that?' Egypt asked, raspily. 'Oh my god, I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I love you don't leave me! Please, I didn't mean to hurt you!' Prince imposed.

Egypt had seen the type of behavior before in the opposite sex. She's watched those lifetime movies time and time again. Yet, even after all of that television and all of her friend's speeches about men who behave in such a manner, Egypt decided to ignore her womanly intuition. She accepted Prince's reassuring words as if he were a man providing her with directions. The girl, Egypt had stopped thinking for her own self. It was as if Egypt had given Prince the key to her body, mind and soul. All of those kisses meant something to him, Didn't it? Egypt, who had been sitting a fettle position in the tub had begun to speak. She lifted her head ever so slightly and removed the wet strands of hair that adorned her lips. 'Prince..' Egypt had mouthed as she felt her vocals cords collapse. Egypt's voice came out in a squeaking manner. This wasn't some paper-cut that would go away on its own. This was an incident. It left a greater pain on her. It was greater than any other bruise that stung on her skin. Egypt crawled out of the tub and onto the floor. Prince was still watching in piercing horror. Egypt managed to get out of tub and throw a towel on. Prince didn't stop her, the shock had paralyzed his body. Egypt had already dried and clothed herself by the time Prince regained consciousness. Prince picked himself up out of the water. He looked down at his shriveled fingertips. The evidence that he had been submerged in water for far too long. He took a look at himself in the mirror. He took a look at the monster he was becoming. He picked up a towel from his laundry cabinet and proceeded to dry himself. Egypt stared at him from the kitchen. She warmed herself a beverage in the microwave. She hoped the liquid would ease the injury that Prince had caused. Prince pulled on his clothing and walked out of his bedroom. Egypt stood by the microwave waiting for her beverage to be done. Prince couldn't bear to look up at Egypt. He couldn't bear to see the bruises that surrounded her neck. He did this, he did that to her. He knew she must have needed some type of medical attention. Prince didn't want to endanger himself more than he already had. He grabbed a dishcloth from his drawer and poured ice into dishcloth. He tied the cloth up at the very end and approached Egypt. 

Egypt couldn't defend her stance, so she let him ice her neck. 'I'm not like that. I promise, I just can't contain myself. I'll work harder. I'll be nicer. We can have that relationship that is so perfect.' Prince reassured. Egypt knew all of his words were lies; but she couldn't help but dream of the both of them being together forever. Egypt smiled at Prince. She hoped that the smile would cover up the emotional distress she was going through. And as Egypt thought, she was right. Each day seemed quite normal after that day. Egypt's neck began healing at a rapid pace. She regained her voice, yet not her tone. She was still horsed from last week; but how could she focus on that when Prince and her were practically living in paradise? Prince sadly lost his job, so Egypt began taking over the finances. Its a good thing Egypt was good at budgeting or Prince and she would have been in for it. Prince seemed to have held his promise graciously.

 Each day he attended an anger management class. Egypt was so happy to see Prince in a content state of mind. Prince pulled up in his car in the driveway. Egypt was always excited for him to come home, especially now that he is seemingly happy. Egypt swung open the door and grinned as wide as ever. She approached Prince and reached in for a hug; however Prince ceased her tenderness. 'Stop it!' Prince exclaimed. He shoved Egypt off of him and stumped into the house. Egypt began to worry over what was to happen next. She scurried over to Prince's side as though she were a retro house wife. She approached Prince again, this time he was in the kitchen. He made himself a stiff drink. 'Absolut Vodka' to be exact. Egypt extended her hand out to Prince. She brushed her knuckles across his shoulder. Prince shifted away from her as if she was a villain. Egypt's anxiety skyrocketed. She could feel her heart palpitating with every second passing by. 'Prince?' She whispered. Prince shifted his body towards Egypt and looked at her with his exhausted eyes. 'Why do you keep pretending to love me?' Egypt couldn't believe her ears. Where was this coming from? 'Prince, I never for one second pretended!' Egypt exclaimed. Prince felt anguish building up inside of his body. 'You don't love me, Egypt. I am scum!' Prince shouted. Prince gulped down the rest of his vodka and began to weep.

 Egypt grasped onto Prince as he slid down to the floor. 'I'm so sorry. I..' Prince could barely express his emotions in a structured sentence. All of the images of him abusing Egypt came flooding right back into his brain. He had only been attending anger management for a few days. It had been a week before the incident and it still ate at him like a infection. Egypt cradled his limp body. She lifted his head up and enclosed her face to his disconsolate face. She kissed his flushed red cheeks and lips. Prince tiredly smirked at Egypt. Prince needed closure and Egypt was happy to provide such a thing.

 Egypt took a few moments to mutter words of encouragement in Prince's ear. Soon enough, everything was back to normal. Prince had fallen into a doze in Egypt's lap. Although Prince was small in height, he wasn't very small in weight. Egypt dragged Prince into their bedroom. She propped him up on the bed and closed the curtains in the bedroom. She climbed into bed and wiggled her way over to Prince. She wrapped her body around his warm body and began soaking in all of the heat his body created.

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