"Hey guys" Carly said to Sarah and Nimrod. "Can we sit here?"

Carly was standing with a tray of food beside her Hanna and Matt and another guy Sarah didn't know. The tall guy had dark skin and black curly hair cut short.

"Sure you can" Nim said.

"This is Gabe by the way" Carly said pointing to the new guy. Sarah nodded to him. She remembered him when she went to get Carly at the party a few weeks ago.

"So Sarah" Matt drawled and Hanna rolled her eyes "Are you going to the party next weekend? The one Leanne is having. She's invited the entire village to come and it's going to be at the Legacy"

"I think so. I'm still the village's flavor of the month" Sarah grumbled. It was a silent engagement that Sarah had to attend or the village would not let her go.

"Awesome" Matt said dreamily and Hanna stomped on his foot.

"So what are you guys doing?" Hanna asked Nim who happily answered her question.

Sarah rolled her eyes and got up to get more water. She let Nim explain the purpose of their drawing. Since he met Sarah, Nim finally felt like he had a social life. Carly and her friends were very nice to him and they all got along. He also got a bodyguard, even though Sarah didn't want to be, which suited him just fine.

But, as Sarah was coming back to her table, a group of girls appeared in front of them and 'accidently' ran into her with their tray of food. Spaghetti, coffee, Jell-O and salad flew on Sarah's shirt. Shocked, Sarah stayed frozen in the middle of the cafeteria with food dangling down the front of her body. Students around them started to snicker and took pictures of the pathetic view.

"Oh, I'm sorry" one of the girls snickered "I didn't see you there freak"

The girls giggled to themselves and walked away while throwing insults over their shoulders. Once Sarah got over her initial shock, she looked around the cafeteria and spotted the person she wanted to see. Ignoring her friends, Sarah made her way to the table where Vivian was sitting with her minions. She arrived behind the other girl and before Vivian could react, wrapped her arms around the black haired's body. Sarah glued her chest to Vivian's back, making sure she smeared the food everywhere.

Vivian screamed in shock and disgust as she felt the moist food through her dress shirt and smelt the revolting smell that came with it.

"Get. Off. Me" Vivian growled with authority. Sarah lowered her head until it was hovering over Vivian's shoulder and her lips inches from the other's ear.

"We had a deal Vivian" Sarah said with hate in the other girl's ear. "I hate when people lie to me"

"I don't break any promises Green. I had nothing to do with this"

"Well, unlucky for you because everything anyone does to me in this shitty school is on you" Sarah tightened her arms until it became uncomfortable for Vivian.

"You filthy bitch" Vivian spat. She had had enough of these games.

"That's what happens when you appoint yourself as Queen of a school. You're good in history so you should know that a Queen is in charge of her sycophants" Sarah sneered. "You owe me a shirt"

With that, Sarah roughly unwrapped herself from Vivian and stormed away. Vivian wanted to hit something. She was on the verge of losing her temper, which never happened before. She looked around her table with glaring eyes. No one dared to meet her eyes; they all had their heads down or pretended not to pay attention. Vivian brusquely got up from her seat making her chair fall and walked out of the silent cafeteria. No one dared move or say anything.

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