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[dedicated to Shivani for being a wonderful soul ]

Their third meet wasn't after a very long span of time. In fact, it was just the next day. 

That day there was no moon in the sky to illuminate this dark place and to accompany us to witness their story - an untold story. But we stayed there in the sky to hear their story, to see their journey. 

White skirt, pink top, brown hair and pale face - this is what the girl looked like. Her hair was perfectly tied in a bun and her hands were around the boy, wrapping him up in her arms. 

White t-shirt, blue jeans, black hair and dull face - this is what the boy looked like. His hair was a mess but he looked adorable, at least in the eyes of the girl. His hands were tightly wrapped around the girl's waist signifying that she was only his. 

They laid there for what seemed like ages to us but was still not sufficient for them.

No talk. No sound. Just their eyes were fixed on each other, trying to engulf the beauty that was hidden within their souls. 

After sometime, the boy made a move which made us shine even brighter. He leaned forward and kissed the girl on her forehead while she peacefully slept in his arms. 

Here, in this garden beneath the stars, there was no one to disturb them or to give them pain. The only thing that they found here was pure solace. And moreover, for them the presence of the other was enough for their souls to attain peace.

That night we came to know that this wasn't the beginning of a new story but they were rewriting their old story. 

Media - All I ever wanted by Brian Melo

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