"Aw come here!" Valka ran over to us, hugging us close to her. Hiccup and I gave each other small smiles before going along.

"I've missed you! Aw man I just wanna snuggle ya little candies!" Val squeeled. I know she missed us a lot, considering its been a while since she let Hiccup drag me out her house to live with him instead.

I felt a little hand grip mine as my body was being subtly pulled forward. "Come on Elsie."

I turned to Hiccup, raising an eyebrow and getting his same 'just go with it' expression for a reply. I followed Jamie, hearing Hiccup lock the door behind us. Jamie eyed me while he guided me throughout the house. I wonder what was on the little guy's mind.

We finally got onto his room, and he was quick to lock the door before Hic could follow us in. In any normal occasion, I would assume he's gonna rape me. But considering he is waaaay younger than me and probably doesn't know what that is, I can assume the least he's gonna do is make me walk over his endless path of legos.

On second thought I don't think I would like for either of those to happen to me.

"Think fast!" A knife came flying towards my face. I shrieked, quickly raising my hands in fromt of me and causing a force field to appear. The knife bounced right off, Jamie catching it in his hands with ease. My breathing was rapid. Well I guess that's normal considering I ALMOST GOT KILLED!

"WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT!" I yelled, feeling my energy surge in my palms. I always get violent when I'm angry, but normally I deal with it pretty well. But something about almost being killed ignited a fire in me.

"I knew you were different the minute you walked in. I'm pretty hardcore." Jamie started, his face blank as he spoke as if he knew everything that was speeding through my thoughts.

"YOU EVIL LITTLE CHILD! WHAT IF I WEREN'T ABLE TO REACT!" I flamed, shooting the wall behind him, resulting in the whole room shaking. Jamie stood in the middle of it all, watching me amused.

"I had a feeling you would. Now I know I can show you this." He started, approaching me with his arm out. My breath hitched when he gently set his small palm on my cheek and closed his eyes.

He smiled, setting his free hand on my other cheek. I felt my head lighten, and Jamie opened his eyes, revealing new blue orbs.

"Free me." He started. His eyes tearing up and his arms shaking. His skin went pale, and his hair started to turn white. I gasped, trying to remove his hands from my face.

"No...NO STOP!"

"Free me." He cried out, his voice cracking. His whole body started morphing into one of an older boy-probably my age.

In the end, his hair was white. His once brown eyes were now a beautiful cyan blue and his skin was now pale. He was probably 5 inches taller than me now, with his hands still resting on my cheeks.

"Jamie please, I- I'm scared..." I began, feeling my body starting to shake and my head starting to hurt. I was confused and right now all I wanted to do was curl up and cry.

"Free me." The boy said once more, before my head began pounding and my arms retracted to covering my ears. I fell down to the floor and he released my face. I let out a loud scream as I felt waves of my magic filling the room. I was losing control. Control I spent so much of my life to gain.

"ELSA!" I heard Hiccup yell, a loud line of bangs emerging from the door. My breathing was back to being calmer. I slowly peeled my eyes open to see myself face to face with Jamie, who had a sad look on his face.

"That's my inner person. He's been with me since I was born. He's like a whole different person and he's been dying to be set free but he's trapped in my head. Even I want him to be free cause he doesn't deserve the pain he feels being locked in my thoughts." Jamie started, rubbing his arms.

"Jamie. Who was that?" I asked. I was honestly concerned. How could this poor kid live with something so scary for his whole life. Now I know what's going on in that little head of his. Literally.

"His name is Jack. Jack Fr-"


The door flew open, and in walked Hiccup. He was breathing heavily and I'm assuming he felt the high level of my magic in the room.

"El? El what happened. Jamie what happened to her!" Hiccup ranted, running over to me and searching my eyes for answers. I was still in shock. This little boy who I thought was adorable actually had a dark secret. He was different, just like me.

"Oh she's okay." Jamie smiled, resting his hand on Hiccup's shaking shoulder. Hiccup glanced at Jamie before turning back to me.

I looked at the two boys, paying more attention to Jamie. His eyes were starting to fade again into the blue I had seen earlier, and he mouthed "Free me" before his eyes returned to brown.

I whimpered, taking fistfulls of Hiccup's top into my sweaty palms. All I wanted right now was some time to think.

"Hic. I wanna go home." I whispered in his ear. He nodded against my head before standing up and taking me with him.

"I'm sorry Jamie but we gotta go. Elsa's not feeling we-"

"I know her secret." Jamie began, forcing a smile. "It's okay."

Hiccup seemed confused for a moment, but I really didn't wanna stay here anymore. I gripped his wrist, dragging him with me out of the house.


I lay on my bed, my arms clasped and resting on my stomach. I stared up at my ceiling, watching the fan spin around and around. Except for some reason, each wing of the fan seemed to have words on it. Words that spoke out my problems.

"Ugh." I sat up, sitting crises cross applesauce on the bed.

Free me. The boys voice replayed in my head. It's all I was able to think about since we got home. Should I help him?

But what if he's lying? What if this is all gonna end up ruining my life forever?

"Why me!" I yelled, grabbing my book from the side table. "All this crap makes me fill ill, I'm the one I want to ki-"

"El?" Hiccup asked. Great. That's the second time he's interrupted me today. No Elsa. That's the second time he's saved you.

I ignored his presence, staring harshly at the book in my hand. I know what I have to do.

"Hiccup. I have to save him. That's what I want to accomplish to feel special."

I'm really tired guys so no AN. Wanna ask me something? Ask. I'll try reply.

Man this is definitely not what I should be saying after a chapter like this.

I'm sorry my loves.

1850 words :)

Bye guys! Comment, vote, and of course read!

Love you my doves! #liv

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