Depuis le début

Again there was little talk on the way back to the house. When we arrived I lent between the seats

"Let me take your bag to the house Rhonda, you and Barry can go for a drive together" they turned and looked at me. Barry then looked to Rhonda for a response.

"Ok, thanks Emily" so I grabbed the bag and went to the house as they drove off. I don't know what they talked about there but I would find out soon enough.

That day Ava, Tina and I spent a lot of time in the pool as it was stinking hot. After hours of being in the pool we returned to the house and rested for the rest of the day. About an hour after our return I heard a car. I looked out the front and it was Barry and Rhonda. They walked to the house holding hands. In my heart of hearts I wished them the best but deep down I felt something else but couldn't put my finger on what that something else was.

When they came inside Ava ran straight up to Barry and grabbed his legs. Rhonda lent down and grabbed her, kissed here forehead and held her tight.

"Hello Ava, I have missed you" Rhonda said.

"Where have you been" Ava said innocently. I looked at Rhonda's eyes at this point a single tear welled. She didn't reply to Ava. I knew at this moment wherever she had been it wasn't good. It confirmed my earlier feelings. Rhonda stood up and grabbed Barry's hand again. The rest of the night was uneventful. Everyone was there for dinner and we talked a lot about everything but Rhonda's missing years. Barry had to work the next morning so we made plans to spend time with Rhonda. I took Ava off to bed and went to sleep myself. Barry and Rhonda needed time and from what I felt there was a lot of time needed..

When I woke I got Ava up. She had had a huge day swimming the day before so she slept a long time. I started to prepare another hot breakfast for us all. Not long after this Tina arrive upstairs.

"Is there something not right about Rhonda?" She asked concerned.

"Tina, I can't talk about it all I can say is that she and Barry have been through a lot and they just need time". Tina left it at that, and thank god she did as minutes later Rhonda arrived for breakfast. We all chatting about what we were going to do today. Ava was excited because again today she got to play in the pool. Ava was such a chatterbox, she talked and talked and told Rhonda everything about her swimming the day before. It was a breathe of fresh air hearing her talk so innocently, without a care in the world. It lightened the mood at the table.

Rhonda listened and smiled whilst Ava spoke but there was a dark cloud over her. I wanted to reach over and hold her. I cleared the dishes and as I did Rhonda walked over to me.

"Emily, can we have a chat if that's ok" I turned and looked at her. Her eyes were welling up.

"Of course we can" I looked over at the table.

"Ava, go and put your cozies on big girl" she headed off to get changed so quickly.

"Tina would you mind taking Ava to the pool for a while?" Tina looked at me and she knew what was happening.

"No problem at all Emily" she replied smiling and heading off herself. Ava came thumping up the stairs with her cozies on. It was so cute. She had them all twisted and not covering her backside properly. Those of you with children while know this look. It did not bother her at all. I straighten her up, gave her a hug, tapped her bottom and off she and Tina went.

I went and got changed downstairs. As I walked out to the hallway Rhonda was waiting. I walked Rhonda towards a room down stairs where we could sit and talk.

We sat down and there was silence, it was an uncomfortable silence at that. I lent over and touched Rhonda's knee.

"You know you can tell me anything" I said trying to break the ice. Rhonda looked up at me and her eyes were steely. There was that soulless look I had seen the day before but this time it was different. It was like she had a demon inside that she was trying to exorcise.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jan 09, 2016 ⏰

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